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*Carlos POV*

I was walking into the Ferrari when I heard a familiar laughter that I would never get tired of so I turned over to where it was coming and I saw her. Cassie had not lied about being her this weekend. I then noticed her backpack and camera on the table closest to her as she kicked a football over to Charles who failed to kick it back. She had a plain black cap on her head and a bright smile on her face.

"How are you so good?" Charles said after he got the ball back with a smile on his face.

"All the years of playing and training could be reason but it is just a guess," She said as he kicked it over at her.

The day after our date there were articles of us all over the internet with pictures of us in my car, at the arcade, and at the park. We both quickly shut down the rumor of us dating as it was our first date. I really wanted to tell the world we dating and not having to put an act on when her ex is around.

I decided to sit down as Mick and Seb joined them. Shortly after Charles joined me as he couldn't catch up with them.

"I didn't know you were friends with Cassie Gonzalez, Charles," Mike said before missing to kick the ball and letting the ball fall.

"I also didn't know that Charles," She said with a joking tone as she picked up the ball and finally looked over to us.

We made eye contact and I smiled at her and she returned the smile. She walked over to me and gave me a hug and whispered a 'hi' as Charles, Mike, and Sebastian talked. I replied with a 'hi' in the same volume before placing a kiss on the crown of her head.

She then went back to where she was standing as it was now her and Sebastian kicking the ball to each other. Before they started Arthur ran up to her and jumped on her back just caused them to fall. She started yelling at Arthur in French as the got up before they shared a hug.

Arthur moved aside once he noticed what Sebastian and her were about to do. She kicked the ball at him and kicked it back without letting it touch the floor. While they kept passing the ball to each other a F1 social media admin came by and started recording it. It went on for a couple of minutes before Sebastian failed to reach the ball in time and let it hit the floor.

"I can finally cross something off my bucket list and Charles, you should ask Sebastian for pointers," She said with a joking tone when she walked to Charles as she walked over to where her stuff was.

"I can always just ask you," He said as she put her backpack on her back before turning to him.

"You had your chance years ago but you chose to sit and watch not my fault. Now if you excuse me I'm going to late if I keep talking to you," She said as she grabbed her camera and gave me, Arthur, and Charles quick hugs before going to Mercedes.

"So, which one of you is going to ask her out?" Mike asked as he and Sebastian sat down across me and Charles which caught me off guard.

"And don't say you don't have a crush on her because it is insanely obvious that the both of you like her," Sebastian said, "Also Charles you have a girlfriend why are you crushing on her?"

Was I really being that obvious? I do have a crush on her but I didn't think it was that obvious of a crush. Cassie is a beautiful girl inside and out so it was no surprise that Charles also had a crush on her but he literally had a girlfriend.

"I don't like her like that she is my little brother's best friend and she is like a little sister to my older brother and was also one to Jules. Plus I rejected her twice already when she had a crush on me years ago," Charles said and I didn't believe it as I had seen how he looked at her when it was just him and Cassie kicking the ball at each other.

"Okay so where are you taking her on your second date, Carlos?" Sebastian asked as I looked over at where she was standing, talking with people in the Mercedes social media team.

"I have no idea but I already got a yes to second date," I said as my thoughts went back to where would I take her on a second date.

"You should take her to the National Art Museum. One quick glance at her instagram page and it is pretty clear that she loves art," Mike said and Charles nodded.

"She sure does and you should do it Carlos. You did a great job with the acarde date and ice cream after," Arthur said and the idea didn't sound bad.

We were talking when I saw Javier, Victoria, and the rest of their family walking in our direction. I looked at where Cassie was and I saw go towards with another person into the Mercedes garage with Lewis and then they walked passed. Then they waked into the Mercedes hospitality.

"That is my sign to go warn my best friend that she will have to deal with the bad side of her family all weekend," Arthur said before he got and ran towards the Mercedes garage. 

Shortly after he ran off me and Charles had a meeting so we headed off and Sebastian and Mike headed off to do what they had to do. After the meeting I went into my driver room and went back to the thought of the art museum date idea.

I was for sure going to take her to the museum but I wanted to add something to it then I remembered about the restaurant Iiked the last time I came to Baku. I got up and headed out my driver room and went to look for her to check when she was free.

I eventually spotted her talking with Sebastian and Kimi outside the Mercedes garage. She looked really happy talking to them. The more I looked at her the more I fell for her. Something I noticed while walking over to where she was was that when she would try to push her glasses back up by scrunching her nose even though it doesn't do much.

I have never felt like this towards anyone. I felt like I was a teenager in love. Even ever she was around it was as if she was the only person around. It was not a just a simple crush but I was falling in love with her.

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