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*Cassandra POV*

Mercedes had hired me to photograph for the team after Lewis recommended me through the race weekends I was able to attend as I still had to photograph the Spain National Football team but I was going to make it work.

I had missed free practice and qualifying due to Barcelona playing yesterday but after the game I headed to the airport and flew straight to Nice.

Chloe and Bella had picked me up from the airport when I landed and we headed to her parents house in Monaco where we are staying. I was originally going to watch the race with Arthur, Lorenzo, and Pascale in the Ferrari garage even if my parents didn't give me the tickets but now I was going to watch it from Mercedes garage so Bella took my spot at the Ferrari garage.

Chloe has had a crush on Arthur for a while now and she doesn't know Arthur feels the same. Me and Bella were trying to help them realize their feelings for each other but they are both so oblivious.

I was looking down at my camera messing around with some of the settings when we arrived to the Ferrari garage. Bella had my video camera and was recording Chloe as they were recording for our channel which we haven't really posted on in a while.

"Look at this nerd playing around with her camera while at a grand prix," Bella said pointing the camera at and I looked up at her. They loved calling me a nerd whenever I had my glasses on like today. I wore them when I didn't have or felt like wear contacts.

"Well this nerd is getting paid for taking pictures at a grand prix," I said before we entered and headed where Arthur, Lorenzo, and Pascale were. The camera I had with me was my work one which had a small Barcelona sticker on it that Pedri stuck on it yesterday.

"Bonjour, girls," Arthur said before giving us each a hug.

"Hola, Artie," I said smiling at my best friend before spotting Pascale and Lorenzo behind Arthur. I walked over to Pascale and gave her a hug. I haven't seen her since I moved to back to Spain but we still talk.

"Hello Pascale," I said.

"You have grown so much Cassie," She said placing a kiss on the top of my head like she did when I was a kid. She saw me as the daughter she never had, "And congrats on the win."

"Lorenzo," I said kinda loudly and dragged out the 'o' for a bit before hugging him.

"Cassie," He said and doing the same before Bella, Chloe, and Arthur walked over to us and Pascale went to talk with Charles.

While we were talking I felt to pairs of eyes on me. One coming from the direction Pascale walked off to and the other coming from Carlos who I could see out the corner of my eye.

"I should probably get going," I said and Lorenzo and Arthur quickly grabbed my arm.

"I'll walk you!" They both yelled and I just laughed with the girls at their actions as they were always like this.

"I'll walk her and I'll tell don't worry and I have something in addition to tell her," Arthur said to his oldest brother and he just nodded. I really wanted to to know

We walked out and I quickly turned to him, "Artie, what is that the two you have to tell me?" I asked as we walked towards the Mercedes garage but I didn't turn away from him.

"Long story short, we think Carlos might have a crush on you and Charles doesn't like it," He said and I looked at him confused.

"If the first part was true it wouldn't make sense for Charles to not like it. He rejected me twice and made it pretty clear he wanted nothing to me," I said completely not believing what he just told me.

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