The One

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*Cassandra POV*

"Stop looking at the camera, Chuck," I say for like the 8th time trying to get a picture of the Leclerc brothers walking naturally but Charles kept looking at the camera as I was trying to get it from an angel. This was the only time today I was going to be able to get the picture before spending the rest of the day following Lewis around. He still wasn't in the paddock so I had some time.

"Yeah quite it, Chuck," Arthur said to Charles causing him to turn to Arthur as Lorenzo and Arthur laughed. He soon joined them in laughing and I took a picture while none of them looked at the camera.

"I finally got it," I said happily as the boys walked over to me to see it.

"How did you manage to make these two look good?" Arthur said jokingly as they looked at the picture.

"I make you look good in pictures all the time Arthur so I can make anyone look good now," I said in the same tone which cause the other two to laugh.

"I'm gonna need this picture," Lorenzo said and Charles and Arthur agreed.

I then felt my phone go off so I checked it to see a message telling me that Lewis has arrived.

"See you guys later, I need to get to work," I said and I was about walk away when Charles grabbed my preventing me from leaving.

"You are still getting lunch with us, right?" He asked and I nodded before he pulled me into a hug. Once we let go of the hug I quickly hugged Arthur and Lorenzo before heading to the entrance.

Me and Charles have gotten close in the days I was in Monaco. We hung out once without Enzo or Artie and people took pictures of us which got posted and people started rumors that we were dating like they did when I went on that date with Carlos.

I didn't like what people were saying about me but I never let it bother me as I knew that it wasn't true. I hated that people acted like a male and female could not just be friends without their being romantic feelings or something going on sexually.

I spent all morning following and taking pictures of Lewis. While doing so I have gotten to know Lewis and also learn somethings about F1 cars I did not know before heading to the Ferrari hospitality to have lunch with the Leclerc boys.

I was editing some pictures and sending them to Lewis or the Mercedes social media admin when Carlos sat beside me.

"Wow, these look amazing Cassie," he said as he looked at my laptop, "What are you doing over here?"

"I'm gonna eat lunch with the three Leclercs," I said as I turn to look at him and he looked at with a smile on his face.

"I was going to ask you if you want to go out for lunch but you already have plans," He said and he was about to get up but I stopped him.

"I don't think the boys will mind you joining us. I missed you, Carlos," I said smiling at him.

"I missed you too, Cassie," he said before placing a kiss the top of my head and I felt my face heat up and I looked down.

"Hi Cass, hi Carlos," Charles said before sitting on my other side and I looked back up to my laptop, "Arthur and Lorenzo should be here soon so how is photographing going, Cass?"

"Pretty good, you are just the worst person to take pictures of," I said as I sent the final pictures and sent the picture I took of the boys to them and Pascale.

The other two soon joined and we got and Charles invited Carlos to lunch before I got the chance to tell them I already invited him.

At the table we were seated at, Charles and Carlos sat at either side of me and Arthur and Lorenzo sat across the table.

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