Football and Ferrari

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11th of May 2021

*Cassandra POV*

I was taking pictures of the Barcelona team after the Levante vs Barcelona game in the locker room when I got a text from one of my roommates telling me that they moved our mechanics final to tomorrow morning. I was going to drive back to Barcelona tomorrow morning to be there to take final for the photography class I'm in but now I have to drive back tonight so I can have time to study for it.

"¿Qué pasó?" Pedro asked as he had noticed my sudden change of mood as I took the last picture. (What happened?)

"Cambio el día del examen el profesor para mañana en la mañana," I told him as he grabbed his bag and we started heading out of the stadium. (The profesor changed the day of the exam to tomorrow morning.)

"Esperate, voy hablar con Ronald," Pedro said before walking up to Ronald, leaving me standing there. (Wait, I'm going to talk with Ronald.)

I bidded a goodbye to all the players that walked by even though I was going to see them later.

"¿Dónde está Pedri?" Leo asked while pulling me into a hug. (Where is Pedri?)

"Fue hablar con Ronald," I said before pulling away from the hug and if it was like on command Pedri walked up to us. (He went to talk with Ronald.)

"¿Leo, quieres ir a comer algo con nosotros?" Pedro asked and he agreed to go with us. (Leo, do you want to go get something to eat with us?)

We went to a restaurant Pedro had been wanting to go to. At a point during dinner I started filming my little cousin and Leo for a bit for my vlog.

When dinner was over we headed to the hotel and headed our own ways. I went to my room to get my bag before checking out.

I was checking out when Pedro came up to me with his bag over his shoulder and placed his room key on the counter.

"¿Qué estás haciendo?" I asked looking up at him. (What are you doing?)

"No voy a dejar que mi prima conduzca sola en la noche," He said before taking my car keys from my hand. (I'm not letting my cousin drive alone at night.)

I was too tired to fight Pedro for my keys so I ended up letting him drive the three hours to Barcelona. I filmed the two of us singing along with the music playing on the radio until I ended up falling asleep knowing I probably won't end up sleeping all night.

"Cass, Cass, Cass, despiértate ya llegamos," Pedro said gently shaking me awake. We headed into the building and we headed up, him getting off the elevator first as he lived a floor below me with Fernando. (Cass, Cass, Cass, wake up, we arrived.)

When I entered my apartment I was both my roommates in the living room studying. One of them being Chloe who I've known since I played football in Monaco and Isabella, we met during our freshman year.

"I thought you were coming home tomorrow morning," Chloe said as I placed my bag down and keys down and walked into the kitchen and grabbed 3 Red Bulls from the fridge.

"I need to study for Mr. Hernández's exam tomorrow," I said setting the Red Bulls down before sitting beside Chloe.

"I'm still mad he decided to change the test date to the day of the championship games," Isabella said taking one of the Red Bulls as it was nearly 1 so we knew we would most likely not end up getting any sleep.


I was running across campus with Isabella and Chloe to get to Ms. García's class to take our photography final which we still didn't know what we had to photograph. She allowed us to come in a bit late as she understood the three of us aren't majoring in photography. Chloe and Isabella were taking it for fun and I was working on getting a minor in photography.

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