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*Charles POV*

I watched as Cassandra putted her number into Carlos' phone. She looked completely different from when we were kids. I didn't recognized her, not even the name, I did ignore her a lot and only saw her as my little brother's best friend.

She was beautiful and Carlos also knew it by the the way he looked at her. I had a girlfriend but I still couldn't help the want to ask her out.

"Charles, can we talk to you in the other room?" Lorenzo said and I nodded before him and Arthur led me out of the room, "Dude, why does it look like you want to kill Carlos?" He said in French once he knew no one could hear us.

"What are you talking about?" I asked knowing exactly what they were talking about.

"Charles, you can see the jealousy-," Lorenzo said before he got cut off.

"Wait do you like Cassie?" Arthur asked and I didn't reply not know what to reply with but they could easily read me like a book, "You have a girlfriend and even if you didn't she wouldn't give you a chance."

"He is right, you hurt her twice, the first one was understandable but with the second one it was a dick move," Lorenzo said.

"I didn't like her back then and at that point in our ages then a three year age gap was way to much. Now she is beautiful and the age gap isn't as bad as with her ex or Carlos," I said and I could see their change of feelings.

"Are you forgetting about Charlotte? And what do you mean by she is beautiful now she has always been beautiful you just never realized it," Arthur said before mom called us outside to set up the table and chairs as we were going to eat outside with the other guest she invited.

"What the hell, Cassie? Why can't you just take a break for once? Stop working all the time," Chloe said to Cassandra.

"So I can't photograph Zendaya?" She asked and both Chloe and Isabella turned to look at her surprised.

"What are you still doing here go photograph our wife?" Chloe said pushing her towards the gate door as she laughed. Her laugh was contagious and could make anyone smile.

"Mama, why do we need so many spots around the table?" Arthur asked as we saw all the plates that were set on the table which was too many for 8 people.

"Cassie's parents are coming with her sister, brother in law, and niece and nephew," Mom said and Cassie looked confused at my mom.

"I don't have a sister," Cassie said and mom looked at her surprised.

"So your parents didn't tell you about your sister?" Mom asked and she shook her head.

"No, they haven't talked to me once since I left Monaco. They mainly only talked to me to yell at me or call me a failure so for all care they can continue not talking to me," She said and I remember hearing yelling and door slamming coming from their house growing up.

I could see her climbing out her room window after getting into heated argument with parent from my room. Sometimes she would come over with bruises on her body and would just say she fell or hurt herself while playing a sport and she was a really good liar I believed it and now thinking about it she spent a lot of time over at our house or out of that house to get away from them when they were home.

My parents would make me go to her games when I was not racing and not once were her parents there or when she won awards at school and they really never cared about any of her achievements.

On one of the few times we had a proper talk before I started spending more time karting and her spending more of her time with football and photography, she mentioned that she wanted her parents to pay attention to her and go to her matches. Jules even had told me how she was doing everything in hope to get noticed by her parents and now she didn't care about their attention.

After placing the last chair down and saw Cass giving Arthur a piggyback while they were talking with Chloe, Isabella, and Carlos. I want to talk to her and I want to ask her out but what is stopping me is having a girlfriend.

I didn't like that Carlos was the reason she was laughing. I didn't like that he was making her happy. I didn't like the way Carlos was gently holding onto her hand. I didn't like the way Carlos was looking at her or the way she looked at him. I wanted her to look at me the way she looked at Carlos. I wanted to hold her hand the way Carlos was holding it. I wanted to be the reason she was happy and the reason she laughed. Her laugh was music to my ears.

"Dude, your jealousy is showing. Stop staring," Lorenzo said as Arthur jumped off Cassie's back allowing Carlos to get closer to her and Arthur put his arm around Chloe before they headed inside with Isabella leaving me and Lorenzo.

"I've never felt this way before and I don't know how to hide these feelings," I said as the backyard gate opened to reveal Victoria and Javier who came in with a bottle of wine and a woman around Carlos' age holding a young girl who looked around 3 walked in shortly after with Juan whole was holding a boy who looked to be around 5.

Lorenzo had headed inside after realizing who was in the backyard leaving me alone with them.

"Hello Charles it's been years, how you been?" Javier asked as they walked over to me.

"I've been good but busy racing," I said as I noticed Juan looking at me up and down.

"Charles, this is our beloved daughter Gabriella and that her husband Juanfran Ortiz and their two kids, Sophia and Enrique," Victoria said introducing the family members I didn't know.

"Nice to meet you guys. My mom and the rest should be out soon," I said, trying to end this conversation as soon as possible.

"Your mom mentioned other people joining us beside your brothers, who might they be?" Victoria asked wanting to know everything like always.

"My teammate, Carlos Sainz, Arthur's best friend, Cassandra, and her two best friends, Chloe and Isabella," I said and her emotion chanced and into a bit of panic. She had clearly not told Gabriella about her sister. Javier on the other hand had a small smile appear on his face at the mention of his daughter's name. Between the two he was the more loving parent.

This is for sure going to be an interesting dinner.

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