First Date

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*Cassie POV*

I was in my room getting ready while the girls were trying to figure out if it was a date or not.

"He never said it was a date," I said as I turned to look at the girls.

"But at the same time he never said it wasn't a date," Caroline said as she tried to get me to change.

"I'm not going to change, he is going to be here at any moment," I said as I put my pair of high top Converse as Jana shook her head.

I finished tying my shoes when there was a knock at the door and Jana bet me to open it.

"Hello, you must be Carlos, it's nice to finally meet you," Jana said in Spanish as Caroline walked up behind her, "I am Jana and this Caroline."

"Hi, it's nice to meet the two of you, too," I heard him say awkwardly before I pushed passed them to see him dressed in a t-shirt and jeans like I was.

"Hi Carlos," I said with a smile on my face and he smiled back before he pulled me into a hug.

"Hello Cassie," He said before pulling away, "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later at the team celebration," I said to the girls before I walked out the door before they had a chance to say something else to embrass me knowing them.

"Are you sure you want to go out? You are going to be celebrating your win tonight, do you not want to rest?" He asked as we walked to the elevator and I looked at him.

"I am sure," I said as we walked in, "So where are we going?"

"To an arcade I used to go to all the time when I was younger," He said as he press the button down to the lobby, "You mentioned your love for arcades so I thought why not take you there for our first date."

At that moment I realized that it was a date. It had been over a year since I had last gone on a date and that was back when I was still dating Juanfran. We had broken up a month before my 19th birthday and our last date was five months before the break up. I knew Carlos wasn't Juanfran but that relationship had caused me so much pain that I didn't want to date and here I was now on a date after trying to convince myself it wasn't a date.

"I haven't been to an arcade in a long time," I said as I turned to look at him.

"Were you not at one at an arcade like two days ago?" He asked and I nodded.

"Like I said a long time," I said as the elevator stopped at the lobby and we stared the walk to the front door, "I used to go to an arcade in Monaco all the time after school with Arthur and other friends and when I joined the Barcelona Academy anytime we had free a day we would head to an arcade nearby and just have fun."

"You and Arthur are really close," He said as we walked out and some one ran up to us.

"Cassie can I get a picture with you?" A teenage girl who looked to be 18 asked in Spanish and I nodded.

"Yeah, sure," I said and she took out her phone before turning to Carlos, "Do you mind taking a picture of us?"

"Not at all," Carlos said as he took her phone took a picture of us.

"What is your name?" I asked her with a smile.

"My name is Angela," She said trying to stay calm, "Wait are you that Ferrari Formula One driver, Carlos Sainz?"

"I am," He simply said.

"I was actually on my way to my boyfriends place to give him his birthday gift which is one of your caps," She said before taking it of a gift bag, "I would ask you to sign it but I don't a pen," I always keep on with me so I handed it to Carlos who gladly signed it.

"Thank you, my boyfriend is going to love this," She said before bidding a goodbye to the two of us then left.

He grabbed onto my hand as we walked to his car. On the way to the arcade we were going to we talked about anything that came to mind. We talked about what made us go into the profession we are in, we talked about our childhoods, basically anything you would talk to someone about when you are on your first date.

When we walked into the arcade and it was filled with life and laughter from not only kids but from people all ages. A smile appeared on my face as I looked at the place. We walked to the counter and Carlos got tokens for the both of us.

I had never had so much fun on a date until now. Most were the usual movie or dinner date not once had anyone taken me to a date to an arcade.

We had finished playing a game of skee ball when I spotted a racing game in the corner.

"Do we still have tokens?" I asked as he looked down at the token bucket.

"We do why?" He barely got out before I grabbed his hand and dragged him with me to the back where machine was.

"We will see who is the best racer is," I said in a joking tone as I sat down and patted the seat beside me.

"We already know who is going to win," He said in the same tone.

"Yeah me," I said as we inserted the tokens and picked the car we were going race as.


"We have tokens for one more game and if you win again I will take you out for ice cream after and if I win I get to take you out on another date," He said now that we have won twice.

"Okay deal, Carlitos let's go," I said as I inserted my token and he did the same.

I ended up winning so when we left and he leaded the way to a nearby ice cream parlor which was near a park. Time went by quickly at the arcade that it was dark outside and the team celebration had already started but I didn't want this date to end.

Once we got our ice cream we decied to sit in the park and look at the stars. While sitting there our hands grazed against each other before we held hands and he intertwined our fingers. I felt my face slightly heat up at the attention. This time felt different than the other times we held hands.

"This has been the best date I have ever been it," I said before taking a bite from my ice cream.

"Really?" He asked as he turned to me and I nodded.

"I have never bonded with someone this much during a first date," I said before turning to him and our eyes met. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I looked at his brown eyes.

"Honestly same," He said as I landed down on the grass and looked up and he did the same.

We continued talking before our date had to come to an end as it was getting late and I had to wake up early for my flight to Barcelona in the morning. When we arrived at the hotel he walked me back up to my room.

"When can I see you?" He asked as we arrived outside the room.

"I'm sure we will see each other in Baku," I said as I looked up at him.

"See you then, adios Cassie," He said before placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"Bye Carlitos, thanks for the fun night," I said then gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading in.

Once I was inside I was smiling like an idiot before getting changed and the smile continued as I laid down on my bed and let sleep take over.

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