Between Two

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*Arthur POV*

I found out what happened between Cass and Charles and I could not believe what he had told her. Like the next day Charles broke up with his girlfriend just to show that he was serious about wanting to get with Cass.

She was going to come spend some time with us in Monaco after me and Lorenzo begged her to come by. She eventually agreed to come by and I was excited to actually spend time with my best friend.

"Have you talked to Cass since that day?" Lorenzo asked Charles as Charles drove us to Nice to pick up Cass from the airport.

"Not yet, I do not know what to say to her and I do not know why I said it. We were just starting to get along," Charles said as we arrived at the airport.

"I'll go it Cassie and do not act weird Charles," I said before going to go get Cassie.

I was about to head inside when I spotted her walking out before running up to her and pulled her into a hug. I did not care that there were people watching or that this will show up on the internet later and will cause shipping even though everyone knows our relationship is strictly platonic and we are basically siblings at this point.

"Hello, Cass, I have missed you," I said as she hugged me back.

"Hello Artie," She said laughing before we let go of the hug, "I missed you too."

"Come on Lorenzo and Charles are waiting for us," I said as I took her bag from her hand before leading to where the guys were. She had her backpack on her which she always has with her because she takes where ever she keeps her camera, other camera stuff, and other stuff which she doesn't let many people hold it as the stuff in that bag are expensive.

"I am not suprised to hear that you brought Enzo and Charles with you," She said laughing which also made me laugh. 

Not in a million year could I ask for a better best friend. She has always been there for me and I have also always been there for her. We automatically clicked when we met and got along really.

The day we met was her first day at school. I was playing tag with my friends in the courtyard and I was looking to see where the one that was chasing us was at when I accidentally ran into her. After I apologized to her, the guys came over to make sure she was okay and introduce themselves to her.

The rest of the day we spent getting to know her. On the bus ride home I sat beside her still apologizing for running into her and we had gotten up at the same stop and walked at the same direction and her house was right next door. I went inside to do my homework before going outside with my brothers and saw she was sitting at her doorstep with her bag beside her with a camera in her hands.

She looked lonely so I invited her to play with me and my brother and agreed. We were playing football and her love for the sport quickly showed once I kicked the ball over to her.

By the next week instead of her sitting outside waiting for her parents, she would be next door with us. Charles joked about me liking her or her being my girlfriend and barely talked to her and meanwhile Lorenzo treated her like the sister he always wanted.

"Of course I brought them, Lorenzo helped me convince you to come to Monaco and Charles is our personal driver," I said joking about the last part as we got to the car.

As soon as Lorenzo spotted us he ran out the car and up to us before pulling Cass into a hug.

"I missed you Cassie, more than Arthur," Lorenzo said making Cass laugh. Cass has that laugh that could make anyone smile or join her in laughing.

"I missed you too Enzo," She said smiling as they seperated from the hug.

"Come on let's get you to Arthur's place which is where you are going to be staying to drop off your stuff before we go have dinner with our mom," Enzo said beforehe took her bag from my hand before putting it into the trunk.

I sat in the back with her and Lorenzo sat in the front with Charles. On the drive back I could see Charles stealing glances at Cass. He still had not said anything to her but he looked like he wanted to say something but could not. 


*Cassandra POV*

Arthur and I were kicking a ball at each other out in the backyard. He kicked the ball pretty hard towards me so when I kicked it back I also kicked it with more force than I wanted to. He moved out the way in time before he got hit so Charles ended up getting hit in the back of the head which caused Lorenzo and Arthur to laugh.

"Sorry," I said apologizing to Charles which has been the first word I have directed to him since that day.

"Charles, can we get the ball back?" Arthur asked as Charles picked up the ball and turned to Arthur. He threw the ball up in the air and attempted to kick it which he failed at.

"Charles your football skills are so bad it painfully to look at," I said laughing as I walked over to him and picked up the ball and did the same as him but I actually kicked it. Arthur tried to catch it but failed, "I think you two should stick to driving."

"Let's be honest I am better than him right, Cassie?" Arthur asked and I nodded.

"Lorenzo! Arthur! I need your help with something!" We heard Pascale yell from inside and the two ran inside leaving me and Charles alone for the first time today.

We stood there in silence for a while before he spoke.

"Cass, I am really sorry for what I said and I have no right to be jealous of what you have going on with Carlos but I didn't lie when I said I liked you. I also liked you when we were younger but at the time the age gap felt so big and I should of told you but I was an idiot," He said looking at me in the eyes and I could tell he wasn't lying.

While I was home I was doing some thinking and I do like Carlos and a lot but a part of me deep down still liked Charles. I guess that after I left I buried those feeling because I thought I would never see him again and made myself believed that I didn't like him.

"I still have feelings for you deep down but I like Carlos a lot and I don't want to ruin what we have going on," I said looking at him as he let out a sigh.

"I understand Cass and all I want is to be your friend if you allow me. I won't make a move on you once you too get together. I will respect your decision even if it hurts me," He said grabbing a hold of my hand, "I just want you to be happy."

I knew this was going to be a long next couple of days as Arthur was going to make sure we did everything we used to and every place we used to go. I knew Arthur and Lorenzo pretty well so I knew what I was signing up for when I agreed to spend my time off with them in Monaco.

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