Friends Again

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*Cassie POV*

There was a minute left in the clock with the match against Levante for la Copa de la Reina. The ball was passed to me as I had a clean shot into the goal. I kicked the ball towards the goal and it went in.

The game ended with Levante with 2 goals and Barcelona with 6 goals. The stadium erupted into cheers. On the field we were celebrating the win.

"We did it, we won!" Vicky yelled after she was handed the trophy and raise it in the air.

We took pictures on the pitch before people were allowed on it. I was talking with Vicky and Jana when I saw my cousins, aunt, and uncle out the corner of my eye with Leclercs, Chloe, and Bella as I invited them also.

"Felicidades! Jugaron muy bien hoy," Pedro said as they got closer before pulling me into a hug. He was wearing a jersey with a 5 on the back which is my number and the same was with the other except for Charles. (Congratulations! You guys played really good today.)

"Gracias Pedri," Vicky said before being dragged away by another player.

"How's the football life treating you now that you are back to play pro?" Chloe asked as pulled me into a hug.

"The same as the last time you asked," I said as Vicky called me and Jana back over for a video the Barcelona social media manager wanted to record now so we quickly excused ourselves before going.

While filming I felt a pair of eyes on my every moment and when I turned to see I saw Charles staring but quickly brushed it off.

Once we finished filming I headed to where I last saw them and only saw Charles.

"They'll be back soon, they went to ask an old Barcelona player for his autograph," He said and we kinda stood there in awkward silence for a few seconds and just as I was about to excuse myself he spoke again, "You played really go out there."

"Thanks," I said not knowing what else to say as in that moment.

"I'm sorry for being a complete asshole to you when we were teenagers," He said once our eyes connected, "I shouldn't have spoken to you like that and forget you had feelings also that the crush had to go on its own instead of just telling you to just move on."

"Forget about that it was 6 years ago there is no need to bring that up again," I said as I saw everyone heading back to the locker room.

"Can we just pick up our friendship where it left?" He asked and nodded as back then it was the occasional chat alone about deep stuff, a hug everytime we greeted or bidded a goodbye to each other, playing fooball together, and just talking about motorsports and cars while the other argued or talked about something we had no interest in or had little knowledge in.

"Sure but I should get going to the locker room," I said and he pulled me into a hug. It was short but it felt familiar and comfortable.

I ran to catch up with Jana, Caroline, and Vicky as soon as I got beside them, Vicky placed her arm around me.

"I see you are talking to the guy you used to like, again," Vicky said as she locked at me.

"He talked to me first and all I did was agree to continue our friendship where it left off," I said and they stopped walking and I turned to look at them.

"You have a perfectly good guy in front of you aka Carlos and you are talking to your best friend's brother again as if he didn't reject you twice," Caroline said looking at me with disappointment in her eyes.

"Either it stays awkward between us everytime he is around when I am with the Leclercs or we go back to how things were and in whichever direction it goes I don't think I'm ready to be in another relationship," I said knowing I wanted to date Carlos but after the relationship with Juan I need time to be ready to be in a relationship again.

We walked into the locker room and there was a flower boy outside with orange tulips.

"Are any of you Cassie González?" He asked in Spanish and the girls pointed at me.

"I am," I said and we stopped walking.

"Can I see some sort of identification?" He asked and Vicky was quick to answer.

"We just played match she doesn't have any identification on her," She said because turning me around to showcase the 'Cassie' on my jersey, "Unless this counts," She then turned me back around.

"I guess it'll do," He said before handing me the flowers and immediately spotted a card.

I smiled as we talked in and headed over to my locker. I sat down on the bench before placing them down and opening the card.

'Congrats on the victory today. Hope I can see before you head back to Barcelona :) From, CS55' After reading it I sent him a text thanking him for the flowers and said I was free today if he wanted to meet up.

He quickly replied and said he was going to come by to pick me up and asked for the hotel and room I was staying at and told him.

In the locker room we had a had small celebration before heading to bus and back to the hotel. I placed the flowers in water before telling the girls I was going out with Carlos. They were excited for me and I was also excited to actually be able to talk to him in person.

I love being around him, I feel happy around him. I feel comfortable when he is around. When I met him, he made me feel different than any other person I've liked before has.

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