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14th of Feburary 2013

Cassandra González Suarez decided that it was a great idea to leave a letter in Charles Leclerc's locker telling him how she felt. She didn't sign it as she was scared of what he was going to say about it. She went to meet up with Arthur Leclerc so they can head to class together.

Spending the day with her friends really helped her not think about it through out the day. Her parents were working all day so she headed with the Leclerc brothers to their home. On the way there she snapped photos of her best friend messing around and even took a picture of Lorenzo looking at his youngest brother in disappointment.

Cassie had always been interested in photography, music, and anything art related from a young age so the brothers were used to the young Spaniard girl randomly taking pictures.

Lorenzo saw the girl as a little sister as Arthur and Cassie were inseparable since the pair met when the González family moved to Monaco and the Spaniard saw him as an older brother.

Charles on the other hand was always off racing so they never got the chance to get a close bond like Cassie had with Arthur or Lorenzo but they weren't complete strangers. Not know much about Charles didn't stop Cassie from having a crush on him.

When they got to the Leclerc house the pair of best friends ran to Arthur's room to do there homework so by the time Lorenzo went by to check on the pair Arthur was on his bed with books and paper scattered around while Cassie was on the floor with a book on her lap and small stake of papers she was working on.

While the two were busy doing homework and Lorenzo was in his room, Charles read the letter that he had found in his locker. The writing was neat and familiar to him but couldn't figure out who it belonged to.

As always Cassie finished her homework before Arthur and decided to head outside to take some pictures as the photography club she is in, was going to meet the next day after school and she wanted something aside from pictures of her friends to share.

Cassie was about to walk out the door when Charles stopped her. He figured out that the writing belonged to his little brother's best friend.

"Hey Cassandra, can I talk to you?" Charles asked in a serious tone and Cassie nodded, "I read the letter and I am flattered and all but you do understand I am too old for you?"

"I do Charles, I know that," Cassie said looking down don't wanting to make eye contact with Charles.

"Good," He said before walking away and Cassie walked out wanting to spend some time alone.


9th of November 2014

It was Cassie's 14th birthday and the previous night she had spent it over at the Leclerc's house to have a movie night with Arthur and ended up having a sleepover.

Ever since Charles rejected Cassie, she has been ignoring him in hopes for the crush to go away but it didn't.

"Happy birthday, Cass!" Arthur yelled after jumping on top of Cassie to wake her up.

"Five more minutes," She said tiredly, "Get off of me hoe," She tried to push her best friend off of her but he didn't move.

"Get up! Cassie, come on you can't sleep all day," He said and she didn't move, "I got you a gift and I wanna give it to you before anyone else gives you a gift."

"I know you are not gonna leave me alone until I get up so you win," Cassie said before getting up.

"Get dressed then come to the living room," He said before running out the room and shutting the door behind him.

She quickly put on plain t-shirt and black jeans before heading to the living room where Arthur and Lorenzo were sitting with a nicely wrapped present. Soon after Hervé and Pascale came in also with a gift.

"Where is your brother?" Pascale asked and they both shrugged not knowing where Charles as he wasn't in his room or anywhere else in the house.

"Here Cassie this is from us, hope you like it," Pascale said, before handing the gift to her.

She was opening it when Charles walked with a two bags in his hand and sat across from her and watched as she opened the gift from his parents. Cassie got a small desk globe and a memory card for her camera from Hervé and Pascale and she noticed that it was for a different type of camera but didn't mention it.

"Thank you Pascale and Hervé," She said with a smile on her face.

"This is from Jules, he got it for you before the accident," Charles said handing the girl one of gift bags.

Just like Lorenzo, Jules saw the young girl as a little sister and Cassie also saw him as a brother so when she found out about the accident it hurt her deeply.

She grabbed the bag and opened it took out two caps. The first was a Ferrari cap signed Kimi Räikkönen and the other was a Red Bull cap signed by Sebastian Vettel and Daniel Ricciardo. They were her favorite drivers aside from Jules and Michael Schumacher and he knew it so had gotten their autographs for her.

Then she pulled the other thing out which was a necklace with a pendent shaped like Spain and the words 'Más vale estar solo que malo acompañado' (It’s worth more being alone than in bad company) engraved on the back which was her grandfather's favorite saying.

Her grandfather meant a lot to her and they knew it so when he died Cassie was absolutely heartbroken. When Jules got the necklaces for her, he wanted it to be a way to have him close to her.

She fought back the tears from the memory of her grandfather before Arthur offered to put the necklace on her and she agreed.

"Who's next?" Pascale said looking at her sons.

"We're saving the best for last so Charles go," Arthur said and motioning his brother to go.

Charles never knew what to get her for birthday so he got her a bracelet with planets on it and Real Madrid jersey. Cassie didn't like really astronomy as much as she loves geography but she didn't mind the bracelet. She has been a Barcelona fan for as long as she could remember so when she took out the Real Madrid Jersey she was confused but still thanked him for the gift.

Then it was Lorenzo and Arthur turn, "This going to be the best gift you are ever going to get it tops getting a Real Madrid jersey as a Barcelona fan," Lorenzo said mainly directing the last bit to Charles.

"Open it I wanna see your reaction," Arthur said and she unwrapped it to reveal the camera she's been wanting for a while and now she understood why Pascale and Hervé gave her the memory card.

Cassie then pulled the two Leclerc's into a hug being very thankful for the camera, "Thank you so much," She said smiling.

After setting up the new camera Arthur and Lorenzo joined her to try it out. They hadn't seen her so happy all year so they were glad the gift made her happy.

Her parents were going to be he from work that afternoon so when she got there with the two brothers she was met with a decorated house with her parents, her cousins, Pedro and Fernando, the Leclerc's, and some of her friends from school and football.

She was talking with one of her friends who was trying to convince her to confess to Charles again but she refused but at that moment Charles was walking by and heard that Cassie still had a crush on him.

Shortly after their conversation ended Charles went to talk with Cassie, "Cassandra, I heard what you said and I'm still too old for you," Charles said to the girl in front of him who's smile had disappeared.

"I know Charles you don't need to keep reminding me," Cassie said to the 17 year old Monégasque in front of her.

"You need to move on. Have a crush on someone your own age," He said before walking back to where everyone else was, leaving Cassie alone.

She didn't want to go back and see him but she still went back and sat between Arthur and Pedro with Lorenzo sitting in front of her and all three noticed that Cassie's mood had changed. She was actually happy not that long ago and now she was faking the smile on her face.

Cassandra knew she had to move on and knew it would take time.

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