Chapter 17

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As Marco dodged the glass aimed at him, His security team was ready to take action but he put a finger up to stop them. They all remained on standby.

Quinn on the other had was furiously cursing and yelling in her languages while charging towards Marco.
She tried to fight Zion off when he held her back.

"You Bloody-" Quinn yelled as Zion lifted her off the floor to hold her back again.
She forced her feet back on the ground and pushed off Zion.

She turned towards Marco but was dragged out of the main hall and into one of the drawing rooms.

"Are you out of your mind?!" The person who pulled her out asked her.

"Yes I'm out of my mind! How dare he!?" She yelled trying to bite back her tears.

"Tesorina can you please calm down, you know he's not worth it," he told her.

Quinn was breathing heavily and was on the verge tearing up. Her anger was still radiating.
"I hate him, I hate him so much!" she groaned and sat down on the ground, folding herself into a ball as her tears slid down her face uncontrollably.

Lucas ran his hand through his hair then sighed. He always knew about Quinn and her father's relationship. He knew how much she's been holding in. How her father left her and her family and how that caused her to be who she is today.

He was about to kneel beside her when she wiped her tears and stood up. She always did this.

'A Queen mustn't cry long, she has to focus on turning her tears into diamonds for her crown.' she always said.

But he knew she had to let it all out. They stood looking at each other before he opened his arms and she ran into them as her tears slipped again. They did not say a word as she stood in his embrace.

"Better?" he asked her when they pulled apart after sometime.

She nodded and sniffed before smiling, "I really don't know what would have happened in there."

"You trying to beat the hell out of your father," he joked, making her release a small laugh,
"Oh, and his bodyguards then tying you down."

This made them both laugh and he tugged on her ponytail.
"Behave," she scolded.

"I think I have to leave now," She told him, "Let me just call my driver."

"Okay, get some rest Tesorina," he responded and she nodded in reply as they both turned.

"Oh, Lucas," She called and they faced each other, "Thank you for being here."

"You're welcome," he replied and with that they parted ways.


So, a high-esteemed business auction sounded like great quality time with my boyfriend, who by the way just walked out with his ex.

Everyone was talking about what happened. Quinn must have really been upset.
Despite that this event was a no phone event, Marco De Los Rios's security team did a sweep to make sure no one has any record what happened.

"Do you want to leave now?" Lucas asked as his arm went round my waist.

"Um yah," I said. He took my hand and ushered me out.
The car ride to his house was silent. Even when we arrived. I stood in the bathroom removing my makeup.

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