I'm okay with it, right? Of course I am. I mean..
I got into the car and drove home. Oh yes. I got a license last month and a car too.
Immediately I reached home. I called Jess for an emergency girl time. Despite the tme difference since she was in London for Summer vacation."Hold on, what did this Korean lady say exactly?" Jess asked. We were on a video call.
I adjusted my laptop on my laps before speaking,
"So, Lucas and I were having breakfast right, and he went to get the door.
His phone was right there. Open and on. I saw two pretty girls on the screen. Curiosity killed me the cat and I decided to have a look. It was a picture of Quinn and Michelle on Instagram. Specifically, Michelle's comment about Quinn being ticklish when you poke her cheeks and back dimples.""And what's wrong with that?" Jess asked.
"Lucas was talking about back dimples this morning.
Then his cousin showed up and when he left the two of us, we talked then she asked me questions. I felt like she was comparing.
Then later I heard the two of them talking. He's been having lunch with Quinn, playing house with her and Takumi and he thinks I'm okay with it," I ranted.
I took a deep breath out. It felt good to let that out."Wow. Firstly, learn some Korean just in case," Jess joked.
"I'm not multilingual thank you, I've been working with Quinn, and I still don't understand some of the things she says. Unless it's French," I explained.
"Are you not part African?" She asked.
"I am. I can speak some Swahili," I said.
"Okay, I feel like you are letting everything get to your head. You yourself are comparing yourself to Quinn.
Need I remind you that those two had dated for more than four years, so yes, they may still have a connection, but you have to have confidence in your relationship with him.
He's with you now, " she advised.That actually hit me in the face.
"Wow, when did you get wise?" I teased.
"It comes with age," she said proudly, "I had also gone through the script for my next audition, I'm playing a dating adviser."
"Now that makes more sense," I said, and we both laughed.
"I'm just waiting for feedback. I spoke to Quinn's friend, and it got me a chance to audition for a new series, I'm so nervous," I explained.
"Don't worry, if you did your best then that's what counts," She said, "Now I gotta go, you can finish the talk with your new best friend Layla Matthews."
"Jessica come on," I said while trying not to laugh.
"Oh my days! Did you just call me Jessica? I'm gone," she said dramatically and cut the call.
I smiled in amusement. I decided to head to Romero. It was peaceful considering it was a weekend, and work was mostly optional in the afternoon when there are no big projects.
After doing a few sketches and playing with the colors a bit, I got hungry and went to the vending machine in the employee lounge, but everyone here called it the family room. This unit was actually a family.
"Royanne, hey. I didn't think you'd be working today," I heard a voice say.
I turned to find Quinn seating in one of the sofas, a sketch pad on her lap.
How had I not noticed her?

Mismatched Hearts
RomanceRelationships are a luxury only a few can afford in this sizzling romance. A fake dating arrangement between Demetri, a charming basketball star, and Royanne, a rising actress, couldn't have come at a worser time. But as they struggle to keep their...