"You're Running Dee. Kind of cowardly of you, don't you think."
His words replayed in my mind like a broken music box. I didn't have the right to cry because I chose this path yet it hurt like hell.
He was about to tell me that he loved me but I just couldn't let those words leave his mouth."Miss Montanari, in fact, Quinn," Tammy called me from across the cabin of the plane.
"I know you're my boss but I'm older than you. So, with all due formal respect, I have watched you build an Empire and make many mistakes while doing it,
But this has to be one of the stupidest logical decision you've ever made."I decided to mask my emotions and just take a sip of my wine.
"Ignore me all you can but the fact is you aren't happy, and you chose to give in to your fears instead of taking a risk at happiness.
But you know what, maybe this trip to Colombia is what you need. Your mother will knock some sense into you," She concluded.I was beginning to wonder why I even chose to go to Colombia.
Because you needed company of someone who wouldn't criticize you for what you've done.
Italy was a no; my sisters were furious with me. I couldn't stay in LA; Michie was about to slaughter me. I chose the only other place I had close to home, even though it's the place that mainly had bad memories.
We arrived in Cartagena at around midday and went straight to mama's place.
"You didn't have to come with me, you know that right," I told Tammy as we carried the bags into the house.
"And risk Quinn Diamanté Montanari breaking apart alone, pass." She joked,
"And besides, I love it here."So did I. I grew up in a small town along the carribean coast of the Choco region. Mama had always loved the carribean coast and always wanted to live along the finer areas of it. Which is why I decided to get her a place here.
My sisters visited from time to time. Hostility from my mother's relatives to her made her move back to Colombia when I finally made a name for myself. They embraced us so she was grateful for that."Diamanté, querida! Mirate. Como estas?" Nina, the house help said while embracing me in a huge hug.
Most of the people who helped around spoke Spanish but with a bit of Italian because of my mother."Hola Nina, estoy bien. Donde esta mi mama?" I asked her, I really wanted to see my mother.
"Tu mamá asiste a un baby shower," she replied, "déjame tomar tus maletas y preparar tu habitación."
"Muchas gracias," I thanked her as she took my bags and went to prepare my room.
My mother had gone to attend a baby shower and Tammy left to go get some sleep due to jet lag hence I was left alone to my thoughts.
You're thinking to much into this. You did what you had to, move on if you think it was the right choice.
I decided to think of other things. Like getting a gift for Takumi. His 8th birthday was the following week, and his grandparents were throwing the party this year. I then remembered that Lucas' 26th birthday was at the end of the month too.
Maybe you can think about planning something for him. Oh wait, he has a girlfriend who might want to do something for him.
I groaned. I would just ask Royanne if she was planning anything. Lucas might not have been my boyfriend anymore but I took my friends and families birthdays seriously.

Mismatched Hearts
RomanceRelationships are a luxury only a few can afford in this sizzling romance. A fake dating arrangement between Demetri, a charming basketball star, and Royanne, a rising actress, couldn't have come at a worser time. But as they struggle to keep their...