After yesterday's exams, I needed a day at the lake house. Summer was getting close, and it had to be finished soon. Just one more room was left and the outside had to be finished.
"Hey Baby hotstuff," A voice said behind me. I turned to see Praram with a smirk on his face.
Yes, he gave me a nickname."Need anything?" I asked.
"I'd really like to misuse that question but I won't," he replied, "The team and I are leaving early today."
I gave him a questioning look. I mean I knew it was little work left, but why?
"Aww, I know you'll miss me," he said and winked. I sighed and shook my head.
"But good news. Well not as good as having me around but it'll work," he said while picking up his bag, "Boss is coming."
At that moment Quinn walked into the room, she was in a dangaree worksuit and her hair was braided back in two cornrows.
"Just talking about you," he said while hugging her.
"Hello to you to Praram," She told him.
"Anyway, we are leaving now, I'll send a report for the day. Bye baby hotstuff," he said to me and left.
Quinn looked so amused.
"Don't," I said and she held herself from laughing.
"Nothing, at your service," she said.
We began working on the room that was supposed to be painted. I was setting up the equipment while she taped the walls that needed paint. Some other walls needed wallpaper.
I looked at her while trying to analyze something. I don't even know what.
"Gotten your answer," she said, still not looking at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You seem like you're trying to read me," She said then looked at me with a smile.
"And I guess it's not working," I said and laughed nervously.
"Marcella uh?""I even forgot you were present. But yep that was my birth given name because it sounded similar to Marco's. I changed it a few years ago," she replied and shrugged.
"Where did Quinn come from?" I asked.
"I used to tend to the garden of this old lady back in Colombia, she would tell me stories while I worked and she made snacks," Quinn started while getting the paint ready.
"She told me about a woman named Quinn, she was a warrior who fought for her family and her people. She came from nothing and rose above that. It's kind of a long story but in summary I wanted to be like Quinn. Step one, I got her name. But I told myself it would be the name the world knew me by.""Is that why your family and close friends are the only people who call you Diamanté?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's the name they knew me by before I became someone. Almost the entire community back in Colombia still calls me Diamanté. I buried Marcella a long time ago," she stated.
"Why do you hate that Marco guy?" I asked."Not really an interesting story but what can I say," She said while putting the last tape.
"He isn't your usual super hero dad. He left us when we needed him, my mom was depressed and obsessed, my sister was about to be a walking corpse and the other one was the only ray of sunlight we had.
So yah. My father is just.. Ugh."

Mismatched Hearts
RomansaRelationships are a luxury only a few can afford in this sizzling romance. A fake dating arrangement between Demetri, a charming basketball star, and Royanne, a rising actress, couldn't have come at a worser time. But as they struggle to keep their...