Singapore, Dubai, Milan... Travel, travel, travel.. I didn't even know why I decided to return to the States, but I did. I had been so up and about that frustration was taking over. That and the fact that I dyed my hair because of a man I called my father. The only relaxation I had was my time with Takumi in Singapore. I got why Lucas was a workaholic; you gave yourself less time to worry about other things.
It was late and people thought I was still in Italy so I took the opportunity to go to the gym.
"Do you regularly come to the gym twice or?" I teased Demetri when I found him working out.
"Nah, Telepathy. I knew you would be here," he replied with a grin, "I'm kidding, I have practice in the morning now, so gym time is now."
"The basketball season has restarted?" I asked.
"It never really went on break," he replied, amused.
"I'm sorry. I do not know the schedule," I said whiling pulling out an exercise mat.
"It's okay, it's a pretty great sport though. Easy to understand and play even," he added while squatting next to me.
"For you maybe," I argued.
"It really isn't, I mean we can work around your height but..." he said while laughing.
I picked up an exercising ball and threw it at him. He laughed as he tried to miss the ball but it hit him and threw him off balance.
"I'm sorry but would you like to try though?" he asked.
"No," I said.
"Listen, its like also pretty good leg workout. There is an indoor court a short drive from here, very discreet and I promise I'll bring you back quickly so that you can do your workout," he said while getting up, "unless it's too much for you."
He was trying to provoke me. And lucky him, I got provoked easily when I wanted to.
"Okay, but if I suck. It's because I have jet lag," I said as I got up and picked up my things.
"Yeah, sure it is," he said with a smirk on his face. We walked out to the underground parking lot. He directed me to his car, and I let out a low whistle.
"Camaro, nice ride," I told him as he opened the door for me.
"Looks like someone likes fast cars," he said while closing the door.
"And why do you say so?" I asked as he started the engine after he got in.
"I can bet a hundred dollars that Shelby is yours," he said while pointing out the window to my car.
"Just drive Ted," I said while not looking at his boyish grin and trying to bury the smile forming on my face.
"Let me get a ball," he said once we arrived at the place.
"No problem," I told him. I paced around the court as I waited for him to get back. The space was empty and peaceful.
"Can you bounce a ball!" he asked when he walked back into the room, a ball in hand.
"Can't everyone. Let's play," I said wanting to get it over and done with because I knew I couldn't play.
"Fine, come get the ball," he challenged.
I tried to get the ball he took the ball behind his back and caught it with the other hand. I chased him in a whole 360 and he bounced it that way.
After a few more embarrassing fails and falls. I got the ball and bounced in my hands towards the basket and shot it through the hoop.

Mismatched Hearts
RomanceRelationships are a luxury only a few can afford in this sizzling romance. A fake dating arrangement between Demetri, a charming basketball star, and Royanne, a rising actress, couldn't have come at a worser time. But as they struggle to keep their...