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  5 years later...

     Groans of frustration and disappointment echoed around the court as Heat got another three points, putting them ahead of the Lakers. Three years ago, they lost the championship game. For two consecutive years, they got knocked out during the playoffs. This year, they aimed to get another championship after three years, but the odds seemed against them again.
        Demetri had made it his personal vendetta to make sure his team got the championship this year despite the fact that one of his opponents had just intentionally injured his already bruised shoulder.

 "That was supposed to be a penalty!" Takumi yelled next to Quinn.

"And why is my son acting like a raging Manchester United fan over basketball?" Lucas asked Quinn while trying not to laugh.

"You think this is bad? You should have seen him when we went to watch the Champions League final. But blame Demetri, not me. Besides, he's 13 and apparently, it's what the cool kids are into these days," Quinn defended.

"Computer nerds are cool too," Lucas defended.

"Using the words 'nerd' and' cool' together isn't very convincing," Kali said next to him.

"You call me a nerd and you think I'm cool," he pointed out.

"Yeah... sure I do...." She said with a grin on her face, making everyone laugh.

"What's that supposed to mean, birdie?"

"She doesn't think you are that cool dad, and I will always side with Kali over you," Takumi said making Quinn laugh while Kali raised her hands in defense.       

     Despite that comment, Lucas thought to himself about how lucky he was to have Kali. He met her again a year after they first met, though in unfavorable conditions. He wasn't going to let her go again but hey had to face her past and fight his future. After a year of unpleasurable experiences, they finally got together. For the first time, he unconditionally fought for what he wanted, and it fought for him too. The love of his life that was not his 'meant-to-be' but is his 'forever-will-be'. He loved her with every fiber of his being, and in a month's time, he would be marrying her. 

     "You can't be a mamma's boy times two," Lucas said to Takumi.

      "Who said he can't? Besides, Kali is always right, and my baby is lovable," Quinn said while hugging Takumi and cooing at him.

       "Ma, not here," he groaned turning a light shade of pink, "let's focus on your boyfriend's game."

        Everyone broke into laughter as the turned their attention to the court. The game had resumed, and Demetri bounced the ball, dribbled it past his opponent and passed it to Jake as they advanced to their opponents' basket.  Jake passed the ball back to him. Suddenly he was surrounded. He could try and aim for the basket, and they expected him to, but he knew his shoulder would give them an opportunity to block his shot.

     He passed the ball between one opponent's legs slightly past the three-point line. His teammate, Allan, caught the ball with ease and dunked it into the basket. They celebrated as that got them tied in points.

    "Yes!" Royanne leaped from her seat.

    "You should have told me to carry stress medication before coming here. This fourth period has knocked some months out of my life," Layla said as she sank into her seat. Their other friends laughed.

      Ro decided to take a seat when the celebrations died down. As she took a sip of her drink, her eyes scanned the arena; In the VIP section, she spotted Demetri's parents; By courtside, adjacent to her, she spotted his cousins and a little to their left, she saw Quinn and Takumi. Behind them, Lucas sat with his head resting on a lady's shoulder, whom she presumed was his fiancée.

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