The beginning of June was already getting hot. I stared out my window that morning after getting off a work call.
I walked to the bed where Royanne lay tangled in the sheets. She squirmed when I tickled her feet.
"Good morning baby," I whispered into her ear.
She quickly pulled the sheets over her head."You're gonna be late for class," I said while laughing.
"My class starts at two today," She said then pulled the sheets off her face."What's for the morning then?" I asked. Maybe she was free.
"Uh.." she said while stifling a yawn, "I have to finish Rosalina's dress that HAS TO GO TODAY!!"
She jumped out of bed.
"Quinn is going to kill me!" she said while running to the bathroom.Quinn is going to kill me too because I was going to be late to pick up Takumi. I almost forgot.
As much as I loved waking up to Lucas' morning voice, I had to finish this dress as quickly as possible.
Summer vacation was starting soon and Rosalina's school was having some kind of ball/Prom. After I made her Spring ball dress, she requested I made this one too.I did the final touches on the dress. It was a stunning Magenta high-low with a jeweld sleeveless bodice.
I folded it carefully into the box.
"Royanne, -" Quinn said while walking in and I began blabbering.
"I'm so sorry, I know it should have gone last night. I'm taking it right now and I'll -" I blabbered but she cut me off.
"Breath," she said, "Is the dress ready?"
I nodded while carrying the box.
"See, nothing to worry about then. Thank you and I take the box now, si," She said while taking the box from my hands and leaving room.
My phone rang after she left. I quickly picked it up.
"Got into trouble?" Lucas asked jokingly.
"Nope," I replied.
"Wow, Quinn is either having a good day or is just more worried about Lina killing her," he said while laughing.
Lina? Oh wait, he and Rosalina new each other, he dated her sister for four years.I shunned it away.
"So, how about lunch before I go for class?" I asked.
"uh I don't know. Maybe we'll get takeout or something. I have a business lunch at two," he replied.
"Okay, see you around midday," I said then hung up.
I sorted out my recent designs into a folder together with the task Quinn had me do and walked to her floor to drop it off.
I decided to just leave it with her secretary, when Tammy also came by the secretary's desk.
"Hey Royanne," She said and I said hey back.
"Hey Clara, Ms. Montanari's meeting with NYN has been moved to tomorrow, she now has a business lunch at two, Crimson Hotel's new LA resort." Tammy said to the secretary, "Also redirect all her business calls to me in case of any."

Mismatched Hearts
RomanceRelationships are a luxury only a few can afford in this sizzling romance. A fake dating arrangement between Demetri, a charming basketball star, and Royanne, a rising actress, couldn't have come at a worser time. But as they struggle to keep their...