Yes, sir.

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"This isn't something we should be doing, sir" The 22-year-old said, smiling coyly, perched on the edge of the large and expansive king-sized bed, the decadent dark blue silk linen glittering behind him like the sea in the moon's light, framing his beauty. Yves was tall and slender, an abnormal height for a wrestler, his willowy limbs was concealed within defined, carved muscles; the results of vigorous exercise on and off the matt. His soft brown eyes and hazel hair glittered in the bedside lamp's light. His skin was pale, so beautiful and soft that the older man couldn't help but trail the tips of his fingers up his exposed forearm.

"Do you think so?" Laurent, his wrestling coach, asked, "Maybe we shouldn't, but do you really want to stop?" he directed his firm, beautiful sanpaku blue eyes towards Yves, their gaze interlocking.

"No, not really." the college student mumbled softly, looking down, placing his hand on the man in front of him thigh, feeling the firm muscle that hid beneath the expensive Loro Piana dress pants, systemically moving his hand further up, "Not really," he reiterated softly, palming Laurent's bulge, meeting the older man's gaze again, spreading his soft pinkish lips in a coquettish smile.

"You always look so innocent, you promiscuous little fiend." Laurent smirked, tracing his thumb across Yves's bottom lip, "Pretty boy."

Yves's eyes grazed across the 38-year-old man's handsome face, his tanned skin, the blue beard that roughed his chin, the dark eyes that bored down upon him, the delicately sharp face like that of a fallen angel.

Laurent bent down, connecting their lips, slipping his tongue into Yves's mouth so that it could graze across his teeth and rag his mouth with his spit. He allowed his hands to explore the young man's midriff, still concealed by his creamy white, short-sleeved button up. "You're so beautiful." he said, tearing his lips from Yves, looking deeply into the young man's face, seeing as blush slowly started to creep across his face, tediously colouring it in red. He then focused his lips onto the kid's neck, exploring the soft, smooth, unmarked by age skin attentively.

"Mr. Allard," Yves moaned softly.

Laurent began to unbutton the shirt, just the prospect of seeing him without it arousing him. "Lay back, baby." Laurent said, slipping the shirt off the wrestler's shoulder's, noticing his thick muscles and how his skin seamed to gleam in the warm yellow light.

"Yes, sir." Yves purred lasciviously as Laurent discarded his shirt - crumped into a bundle - to the floor. Laurent got onto the bed, his knees bracketing Yves's hips, his body hanging over the young man. "So beautiful." he murmured more to himself than to the wrestler. He started to trail his fingers up the man's abs, his fingers tracing the lines of his muscles.

"That tinkles." Yves commented, biting back a laugh. Laurent looked up to him, smiling as well, before he refocused his attention on the young man's attractive midriff. After he completed his tracing, his hand moved down, following the thin, fine trail of hair that led into Yves's pants. He then moved down, his entire body slipping off the bed. He placed a kiss on the plane of skin just above the young man's waistband and unbuckled the wrestler's black dress pants before slipping them.

Yves felt suddenly exposed and his self-consciousness quickly crept in, "Wait," he said shyly but urgent, looking up at the craved ceiling.

"Is everything alright?" Laurent asked, his concerned eyes fluttering to Yves's face.

"I-" he needed to regain himself, breathe, he told himself, "I'm okay. Sorry."

"It's okay, baby, if you want to stop, we will."

"No, I don't want to stop." Yves brushed his hand through Laurent's wavy black hair, looking deeply into the older man's attractive eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." he smirked, "I want you."

Laurent smirked as well, his smile crooked and unbearably attractive. The older man placed a soft kiss on Yves's bulge that elicited a soft whimper from the young man. He then pulled his underwear down, Yves's 7 inch erection springing up before curling his fingers around the erection, feeling the warmth of it inside his palm. He slowly started to stroke it, hearing the luscious moans it elicited from the young man, watching as Yves's abs tightened as his pleasure grew, his eyes squeezing closed, his mouth agape, his sweet-face morphed with concupiscent pleasure. "Mr. Allard, mmm" he whimpered, biting his lip, as Laurent increased the speed of his strokes, his forearm growing taunt with the exercise. "Mis- mister- ah, ah- ah- ah!" Yves moaned until eventually his semen spurted from the tip of his penis, spraying across the pale skin of his stomach. Some of it had gotten onto the back of Laurent's hand and he licked it off.

"Did you enjoy that, pretty boy?" Laurent asked, quickly placing a kiss on Yves's lips. The young man nodded in response, unable to articulate the words.

Laurent swiftly flipped the man onto his stomach and quickly pulled the wrestler's pants the rest of the way down. He then ripped his own shirt open, unable to bother undoing it, the black, glittering buttons scattering across the bed and floor. He placed his hands on Yves's butt, tightly grasping the two soft plumps before burying his face inside, his tongue intruding into Yves's body, "Ah, sir." the young man moaned, stuffing his face into the duvet to muffle his moans. Laurent curled his tongue inside Yves, seemingly causing the young man's entire body to convulse and twitch with unprecedent amount of pleasure. Laurent removed his tongue and replaced it with his fingers, slowly pushing them into Yves, watching as his body slowly swallowed. "Fuck, Mr. Allard." he moaned.

Laurent couldn't take it anymore; his penis yearned to be pleasured. He erected himself, hastily discarded himself of his pants, stroking himself to the attractive image spread out in front of him: the carved lines of muscle that vined up Yves's back, the smoothness of his body, the plumpness of his butt. He grasped onto Yves's hips, pulling him closer to the edge of the bed before aligning himself with the young man's entrance, "Are you ready?" he asked, the tip of his penis already dipping into Yves's body.

"Yes." the young man whispered.

Laurent pushed in, observing as his penis was engulfed by Yves's body, feeling the warmth envelope his length. "God, Yves, you're so fucking tight." he groaned, using the young wrestler's hips as leverage to slowly start thrusting into him, seeing the waves that flowed across his buttocks with each movement.

"Ah, Mr. Allard." Yves whimpered, gripping onto a hefty amount of linen as he felt the foreign length move inside of him, pushing in and then pulling back out. "Fucking shit, God." he moaned incoherently. The sounds of their attestations and skin slapping filled the quiet room, seemingly reverberating off the walls.

"God, Yves." Laurent groaned, placing his hand in the middle of the young man's back and then pushing down so that he would arch. With the further access he had acquired, he began thrusting in deeper and deeper into the young man's body, each movement setting off a chain reaction of pleasure inside both their bodies. It was brilliant; Yves had performed so well on the matt recently that he knew he had to reward him accordingly.

Laurent had began hitting his prostate and it caused Yves to lose control of his tongue, unable to restrain, the moans began flowing out of his mouth, unbridled. He couldn't stop himself and he hoped the bedsheets muffled him enough. "Ffffuck." he moaned, tightening his grip on the bundled up linen in his fisy, the pressure causing the veins to bulge on the back of his hands.

"Yes, fuck, yes." Laurent groaned, his thrusts becoming sloppy and maladroit; rough. His moans grew louder with Yves's. His climax was nearing, but it was like a playful dog that was hard to catch, just beyond the expanse of his grasp so he had to continue forward, chasing, his thrusts becoming harder and faster.

"Fuck, Mr. Allard, sir, shit." the young man whimpered into bedsheets, his body overthrown by pleasure, his feeling exaggerated by the his libidinous coach thrusting into him. "Shit." he heard Laurent groan breathlessly as the warmth of his semen spread inside him.

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