Luscious getaways

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In the anonymous and unremarkable motel that his dad had decided to stuff them into for the 14 days that composed their budgeted getaway from the business of their daily lives, Jude sat uncomfortably on the springy and insubstantial bed, one that seemed to have stood in the same place in the same room for an uncountable amount of time. Perched on the edge, feeling foreign within his own body, he stared with dazed eyes at Harry - his step brother, he had to admit to himself shamefully. The man was extraordinary in the truest sense of the word; how attractive he was, his alluringly supple body, the smooth, creamy skin grooved and lined with his accentuated muscles, his comely sharp-featured face, the hazel coloured hair that crowned his head, glittery assuredly in the slabs of sun that creeped in around the edges of the drawn curtains. He stood, the only thing obscuring his enviable body the fluffy white towel wrapped around his waist.

"You know," Harry spoke suddenly, a concupiscent gleam that Jude was unsure if it was truly there, truly palpable and material, or whether it was only a fictional sheen his hopeful mind added, "That night my mom married your dad a few months ago," his dark brown eyes rivetedly held Jude's gaze, "When we got drunk in the hotel room - from the alcohol we snuck in from the reception?"

Jude nodded, his surety precarious.

"And we placed a bet; just us?"

It dawned on Jude, an immovable heavy weight on his consciousness that had plagued these last few months.

"We placed a bet: to see who could speed run Diablo Four the quickest." He didn't pose the sentence as a question to be confirmed; he was utterly sure of the words slipping smoothly from his lips.

"That's unfair," Jude objected, scrambling as to save himself the embarrassment, "It was my first year of college and I was busy." he despised the pleading quality to his voice.

"If I'm not mistaken it was my first year of college as well." Harry rebutted, with a flirtish grin plastered across his pretty lips, walking around his bed on the opposite side of the room, moving over to where Jude sat, nervous.

"And if I'm not mistaken; you lost?" he said, teasing, bringing his face close to Jude's to where he could smell the man's musky and thick cologne, a smell that elicited a sensation of electricity coursing beneath the layers of his skin. "I'd like to claim my award."

"And what is that?" Jude asked, unsure what humiliation he was going to be subjected to - as he remembered, in his drunken state, he agreed to Harry that the loser does anything the winner orders.

"Well, its been quite dry lately," Harry cooed, showcasing his paper white teeth that weren't necessarily perfect, but that imperfection seemed to make them so attractive. Harry cupped Jude's jaw in his palm, softly sweeping his thumb across the other's bottom-lip, watching the skin turn a muted beige before returning to their dark red, blushed colour, "I've been in need of a BJ, if I'm honest." and he laughed, almost cruelly.

Jude pulled back, "What the fuck, man?" he asked, incredulous to this...presumption - and he hated it for even slightly considering.

"What? Don't you wanna?" Harry asked, smug, erecting his posture, his eyes' focus on Jude's lips before they travelled up to find the curly blonde haired man's soft, greyish eyes, "I've seen the way you look at me, almost salaciously, as if any moment drool will started to ooze out of the corner of your mouth, and you're telling me you don't want to take this opportunity?"

There was the humiliation he was promised; he could feel the dark, abashed blush creeping up his cheeks. This entire exchange was toxic, he knew it, but it had a tantalising effect - attractive in its own dark milieu.

"If it makes you feel any better: I'm not some downlow homophobe, I'm bi, my mom knows and all; I've been with guys before too."

Harry looked down to the man that sat in front of him. Jude seemed to drag his eyes from their focus on the floor with a hearty effort to meet his. He looked over the man's features; the whole nerdy schtick he had going for himself, the large, wire-rimmed glass that perched upon his nose, the languid curls of blonde hair upon his head, the soft-featured attractive face made up of doe eyes and smooth, pale skin. "If you don't want to that's fine too; I understand if you're uncomfortable." he said, kindly.

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