Heavenly Sensations, pt.2

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The cuffs cut into his wrist, digging into the soft skin, as he struggled against them. Pain arrowed up from between his thighs. He gritted his teeth, feeling William ease slowly, at a snail's pace, into his body, forcing him to accommodate for the girth of his length. "Fuck." he whimpered beneath his breath, his voice shaky and quivering. "Fuck." he was exasperated, his body churning with heat. It was a foreign concept, something he struggled to adjust to, especially the fact that he wanted it, that he wanted William. He tried to fight against the tide of pleasure. But it was a difficult, listless fight to overcome a philosophy that was drilled into him, by friends and mentors alike. 

"Baby...baby." William lowered his body against Lorenzo's, he cooed into his ear to soothe the palpations of his heart and the waves of emotions that crashed down on him, "Lorenzo." The Englishman buried his face in the nook of Lorenzo's neck, nibbling softly on the lobe of his ear. 

It was practically palpable as the apprehension dissipated from his body and he let himself be subject to the pleasure that William was lathering him with. His body grew slack where he was laying, as if he was melting into the bed, his wrists going limp in the cuffs.  He felt the taller man tightening his grip on his waist, his broad, swimmer's shoulders casting a shadow over him. His touch caused electricity to snake beneath his skin. Still, in the back of his head, old teachings struggled to relent. 

"Lorenzo, honey." Selena purred as she got onto the bed and made her way to where the two men were entangled, her large breasts swaying as she did so. She was on the side of Lorenzo's neck that William's face did not occupy. She nestled her face into his neck and began to pepper soft, loving kisses, before she clasped the skin between her teeth, nibbling on it, listening to the achy, whimpering sounds that Lorenzo made. It made her stomach stir with an odd mixture of attraction and excitement. The pleasure was physical around them, able to envelope the three of them. 

It felt as he was being savaged. Lorenzo felt Selena's lips and teeth at the one side of his neck: first, she'd bite him, causing little fires of pain inside him - the pain worked like an accent to the pleasure birring inside his body - before she consoled the spot where she bit. On the other side, contrasting against the oscillations between pain and pleasure, William practically worshipped his body, kissing, loving, sucking. 

He felt the man's erection move slowly inside of him, at pace that gave both of them time to savour the sensation of it. 

It excited him, the fact that Lorenzo was completely his and Selena's subject, there to endure any torturous pleasure they laid out on him. He erected his posture, keeping his hands still on Lorenzo's hips, maintaining the same relishing pace. He looked at the man's attractive, softly featured face, now hazy with pleasure. With William out of her space, Selena took her chance. Moving her lips to Lorenzo's, just for a short time to place a quick loving kiss, before she moved down his neck again, sweeping her hands over his stomach and chest before she took a nipple between her fingers and began to softly twist and turn it while she continued to suck and bite at his neck. 

She trailed her lips down his chest and the middle of his stomach, quickly placing a kiss at the tip of his erection and ringing her tongue around the sensitive tip, listening to the whiny gasp that Lorenzo omitted before her kisses ascended up William's body, over his flat, tightly muscled stomach. She stopped at the side of his neck, doing the same to him as she did to Lorenzo. 

Again, the same peculiar pleasure went through his body as he watched his girlfriend enjoy William's body. A concoction of jealous and amusement, but now with William inside of him, the sensation had a different sheen to it, now that he was not just sharing Selena, but that he and she were sharing William, and William and Selena shared him, and William and he shared Selena. He watched, transfixed, as Selena navigated her lips from William's neck to his mouth. 

Lorenzo almost became a second thought as William became preoccupied with the attractive, stately woman in front of him. He took his hands from the Spanish man's hips - excited at the thought of how jealous it would make his friend - letting them graze her supple, curvy body; one eventually encapsulated her breast, his thumb ringing around the nipple, but just as he got used to her presence and touch, she pulled away from him, swinging her attention back to Lorenzo. 

He would be lying if he said it didn't hurt, but it did - in a way that excited him and made him want more. He began to increase the pace of his thrusts. 

His body, unused to it, when William began to move at a quicker speed, it hurt, he wanted to whimper. Without the usage of his arms, he was unable to make him slow, and with Selena's mouth on his, swallowing his words, he endured, until he adjusted and his body was subjected to something truly cosmic, as it become absolutely, fully oppressed by pleasure. The emotion quelled any other thought he had. His mind focused purely on the things being done to him. 

"I'm close." William groaned, pulling out of Lorenzo. Selena moved out of his way. He stood up, his feet digging into the expensive mattress. While William moved towards him, Lorenzo adjusted himself so that he sat upright against the head board. The English man took his head in his hands, placed at both sides, and directed his pulsing erection into his mouth, roughly thrusting into it. Selena watched, her limbs jittery from the excitement coursing inside her, as her boyfriend was face-fucked. Not too long after, William's semen spilled into Lorenzo's mouth and with a grimace, the taste bitter, he swallowed it. 

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