Undiscovered pt.1

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Tucked into their comfortable chalet at the far end of the resort, the small, circular building erected just on the edge of the forest, the curtain of trees expanding out at both the right and left side of their chalet, reaching out far. The night was dark and a chill breeze stirred the peaceful air, a welcomed contrast from the hot and sapping day.

Inside the chalet, the long and slender aircon oscillated from side to side. The lights were off, Aiden and Tristan spread languidly on the couch. Both of the young men were shirtless and dressed only in their underwear. Tristan studied Aiden's exposed upper body, his eyes roaming over the soft skin that glittered with the pale moonlight stealing through the window. He followed the lines of his best friend's abs, fighting back the urge to reach out his hand and traces his fingers along the grooves and dips. He was astonished at this thought - he never looked as his friend in that manner.

Aiden was sprawled out across the couch, his head stilted against the arm rest with his one arm draped across the top of his head. He laid with his eyes closed, bringing the joint up to his mouth before ringing his lips around it, pulling the thick smoke of weed into his lungs. Seventeen and his parents had trusted him and Tristan to their own chalet. The independence to roam around without his parent's attentive gaze was a reliving sensation. He rested the hand that grasped the joint on the inside of his thigh, his penis bussing once Tristan's fingers neared his groin to take the smoking slender from his fingers.

Tristan took a drag from the joint, feeling the effect of marijuana begin to settle inside his body. His eyes were still focused on Aiden's alluring body, his penis hardening as looked over the man's skin. He wanted him; he didn't know why, but he knew that he did.

Aiden lifted from his lounged position to meet Tristan's gaze. He looked over his best friend's face - the one he knew since primary school. He looked over the attractive features - the softness, the full cheeks that would flush with a dark, bruised red that contrasted with the otherwise pale skin once Tristan did anything that physically exhausted him - that composed the young man's face. His soft, dark brown eyes that glittered the moonlight. He was so beautiful. Aiden focused his attention of the other boy's plump, dark red lips.

"Aiden?" Tristan asked softly, wondering why his friend was so intently focused on him. The moonlight exclaimed behind Aiden, simmering off the distant lake. The light largely veiled Aiden's attractive face in shadow but a slice of light that fell across the left side of his face revealed the high cheekbones, the tanned skin and soft lips. Tristan saw as Aiden's teeth embedded themselves within his pink, bottom lip.

Aiden moved forward, cupping his best friend's cheek within his palm, kindling their lips in a soft kiss, his tongue moved into the other young man's mouth to sweep across his teeth, tasting the vodka, tequila and weed that they feed themselves on throughout the late afternoon and night. His body ignited in a sweltering heat that caused his skin to instantly flash out in sweat. "Shit." he groaned into the Tristan's move as he brought their bodies closer together so that the electricity funneled through both their skins. Aiden almost melted as he heard his friend moan as he directed his lips' attention to the side of the other seventeen-year-old's neck, his hand creeping into his pants to wrap around his erection.

"Aiden?" Tristan asked, breathless and panting, "Aiden, wait." he said, wrapping his hand around the other man's forearm, stopping the stroking motion he began to exercise on Tristan's erection.

"What?" Aiden responded, only a few inches separating their faces, moving his hand deeper into his friend's pants so that he could push one of his fingers into the other man's hole. He smirked, hearing the surprised moan that fell from Tristan's lips.

"Wait," Tristan repeated, exasperated, his body protesting for him to reap the pleasure that was within his grasp, "Have you ever done anything like this before?" he knew that his friend had slept with a few girls but of other genders he was unsure.

"Well, not with a guy, no." Aiden said, "But I've watched porn." his white teeth glittered in the blue light as he smiled, "It'll be an adventure." he said quickly before his lips resumed their place on Tristan's neck, licking, kissing, sucking the skin. He wrapped his hand around Tristan's erection and began to slowly stroke him again.

Tristan tried to say something but his words were swallowed by moans, throwing his head back as pleasure began to fizzle beneath his skin. "Shit." he groaned. It was an odd feeling having another man stroke his erection, especially considering that it's his lifelong best friend, but despite the undecided opinions that filled his head, he couldn't help but enjoy the arousal that stirred inside his stomach. To give Aiden a little more leeway, Tristan quickly lifted his hips into the air and pulled his boxers down to just below the decline of his butt, the tight elastic band cutting into the soft skin before he sat down again

The muscles vining around Aiden's forearm began to burn with the effort of jerking his friend off. He had removed his lips from Tristan's neck so that he could see the effects the pleasure had play out across the other seventeen-year-old's face, as he bit down onto his bottom lip, his eye pinched closer, his nostrils flaring as quick breaths fluttered out of them.

"Aiden." Tristan moaned and hearing his name spoke by his friend's voice with such a lascivious and seductive tone made chills run up Aiden's spine.

He knew that Tristan's climax was near and decide to bend over and wrap his mouth around the man's erection and softly began to suck on it, feeling the 7 inch length's tip press against the back of throat. He bobbed his head up and down in Tristan's lap, swirling his tongue around the tip every few strokes before he felt the warm, gooey liquid fill his mouth.

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