Married Men

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Alex was a handsome 19-year-old man, with light blue eyes and dark, black hair. His face had a gaunt effect, with high, sharp cheekbones and a aquiline nose, his beauty was best described with one word: Ethereal. His body was muscular and toned, fit, but still lithe and slender. His skin was an elegant pale shade. He had the looks that would bring him far in the modeling industry, and with these looks came a pleasing amount of attention from men. 

Across the dining table from Alex sat Justin, an older 34-year-old man Alex had met earlier this evening, dragging on a lit cigarette. The man had a fraternity type of attractiveness to him, he was handsome, but conventually with blonde hair and browns eyes. He had broad and muscular shoulders, that would intimidatingly tower over you. His body was fit and toned with powerful muscles. His skin was tanned, the shade of well-milked coffee. 

Justin got up from the table, removing his arms from the tight blazer he wore, draping it over the back of his chair, and moved over to the sat younger man. Alex's eyes grazed over the approaching body, enjoying the sight that it made, his eyes coming to a stand still at the man's bulge that was still unfortunately hidden behind the canvas fabric of his black dress pants. Justin stopped in front of the younger man, his broads shoulders throwing a dark shadow over the elegant beauty.

Alex smiled, adorably and closed mouth, his mouth morphing into a cherry red down turned line; Justin could feel his penis twitch with pleasure. 

The older man took a drag from his cigarette, filling his lungs with the inky smoke, before he positioned his hand so that his palm showed towards Alex, the white slender perched between his two fore-fingers.

Alex read the invitation and brought his lips to the white slender, ringing them around it and luring the smoke into his lungs, all the while keeping intense eye contact with the older man. 

Alex sat back in the chair, feeling the expensive silk hug his back, smugly and warm, blowing the smoke out from between his teeth and keeping his gaze locked with the older man. 

Justin looked down at the feminine and handsome man in  front of him, smirking to himself, imagining what fun they could have, but still, he something he had to do first: he twirled the gold band around his ring finger and hoped the younger man caught on.

"I don't care." Alex purred, sly and seductive, it was the first full sentence of words to fill the air since they've had their meal. "Married men...they're more attractive." he continued, struggling to constrain his French accent, "They're is something about knowing they are off limits that just makes you want them more." 

Justin stepped closer to Alex, taking another drag from his cigarette, "I wonder if my wife will agree." he joked before dragging his thumb lightly across Alex's bottom lip. "You're so beautiful." He completed, his eyes dazed with the young man's heavenly looks.

Alex blushed, feeling his stomach contort with esctasy and his confidence washing away. Something about older men giving him compliments completely stripped him of all self-assurance.

Justin palmed himself through his dress pants, the veins bulging on the back of his hand, "Are you going take care of that for me?" He asked, slipping his thumb into the 19-year-old's mouth and pressing it down onto his tongue. 

Alex nodded, his eyes gleaming with young eagerness.    

Justin smirked, wallowing in the effect he had on the boy. He started to work with the buckle of his belt and not before long, his pants fell to the floor. He stood now on in his underwear.

He smothered the cigarette in a nearby ashtray. "C'mon." he said to the younger man.

Alex sprung at the opportunity, instantly starting to kiss the man's bulge through the thin fabric of his white boxers, self-satisfied when he heard the moans of pleasure he dragged out from within the man. He kissed and kissed, wetting the fabric with his saliva and tasting the man's salty sweat on his tongue that had collected throughout the day. 

He curled his fingers around the band of the boxers and pulled them down, Justin 9 inch penis springing up in his face. Alex looked up from the man's large penis to his face and saw the smug, attractive, self-satisfied smirk that laid on his lips. Justin placed his hand on the boy's head, not out-rightly directing his head, but still urging him on. 

Alex parted his lips and let the large length fill his mouth, the head pressing against the back of his throat. He gagged, tears started to make his eyes glitter, adding to his ethereal beauty. Justin keep the boy's nose buried in the musky tangle of his pubes for a few seconds, the head of his penis buried deep inside the 19-year-old's throat. He could see the young man struggle for breathe.

He pulled back and sensually started to thrust his hips forward, making wet slapping and choking sounds fill the private dining room's air. Alex felt the head of the penis slide back down his throat each time Justin thrust forward and it took all his will not to choke. And although it was a struggle to breath, it was a pleasurable struggle, one he enjoyed. 

Justin kept both his hand locked behind the boy's head, using them as leverage so that he could properly thrust. He kept their eyes locked, the young man's beautiful and glittering blues staring up at him as he used the 19-year-old's mouth. He knew it can't be much longer. 

It sent a thrill running up Alex's spine as the sight before him changed. Justin's abs contorted, tightening, his back arching slightly forward. He dug his teeth into his lower bottom lip, so hard Alex thought he might draw blood; he pinched his eyes shut, whimpers of pleasures filing out of his mouth. Alex knew what this was, despite his lack of experience. And soon, Alex felt himself cum inside his pants, the warm semen trickling down the inside of his thigh as the older man spilled his seed inside Alex's mouth. 

"Sir, you're bill is ready." the waitress called from the other side of the door. 

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