Undiscovered pt. 2

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Tristan was exhausted the previous night after he had ejaculated into Aiden's mouth. The substances they took didn't help to keep them awake and after moving to the bedroom, wanting to be able to move around more free and comfortably while they enjoyed each other's bodies, they had fallen asleep without meaning to and both of them woke up the next morning with their underwear around their ankles.

"Do you want to continue what we started last night?" Aiden asked in a raspy, seductive morning voice, his hot breath brushing against Tristan's ear. He pressed bulge against his friend's plump butt while he let his hands roam across his exposed upper body, his fingers delicately tracing the grooves and lines of Tristan's muscled back and arms.

Tristan's skin flushed with goosebumps, Aiden's soft touch igniting little fires beneath his skin. He pushed his butt against Aiden's bulge.

Aiden quickly responded, curling his fingers around the waistband of Tristan's boxers and tugging it just below his butt. He spat onto the tips of his two forefingers before rubbing the saliva onto the other seventeen-year-old's hole while he placed a few kisses on the back of Tristan's neck that caused his skin to flash out in goosebumps.

"Ah, Aiden." Tristan moaned while his friend's fingers slipped into his body, pulling in and out, teasing out more and more desperate sounds of pleasure from the seventeen-year-old. It felt odd, having Aiden's fingers inside of him but it didn't minimise the arousal swirling around in his stomach. He gripped the counter as he laid his head back in the nook of Aiden's neck.

While his fingers deftly pleasured Tristan, and Aiden's eyes roamed across the man's attractive face - he was happy that they decided to leave it until the morning as he was now able to fully see the man's alluring body and face, the light that fell across it to etch shadows in the dips and grooves of his muscles and collarbone. The thought of being inside Tristan was tantalising; he couldn't bear it any longer and so he removed his fingers from the man's body and spat onto the palm of his hand.

"You ready?" he asked, nibbling on Tristan's ear.

"Hmm." Tristan groaned, nodding.

Aiden bent his best friend over the marble counter top, pressing his hand down onto the center of his back so that he would arch. The tip of penis glittered with precum as he stroked the saliva onto his 8 inch erection, the motion initiating a moan to escape his lips.

He aligned himself with Tristan's entrance before he began to push inside of him.

Tristan's breath caught in his throat as pain flared up his back. He felt Aiden's lengthy erection ease into his body, filling him. It hurt but the pleasure was more than enough to justify the pain. It felt so good. It felt so peculiar - he never thought he'd have another man inside of him. The pain subsided and pleasure took full reign as Aiden moved his hips slowly back and forth in a delicate and gently motion.

"You like that...baby?" Aiden asked in a seductive tone, wrapping his hands around both Tristan's wrists and pinning them against the small of his back, watching the muscles flex in the top of his arms.

"Hmm," the seventeen-year-old whimpered as Aiden's pace began to increase. His body was tense, stretched taunt as his skin become beaded with sweat, the tug and push motion of Aiden's erection inside him sending such an immense amount of pleasure coursing beneath his skin that he didn't know was possible.

"Ah, fuck, Tristan," Aiden groaned as his abs flexed with the effort of thrusting his hips forward into Tristan's body. The man was so tight and soft - he couldn't comprehend why they hadn't done this earlier. "You feel so good." he said, letting go of the man's arms so that they laid at his side and lowering his upper body against Tristan's back. He groaned, grunting into Tristan's ear as his penis stroked into his body.

Tristan began to whimper as Aiden erected his body upper body, his thrusts becoming merciless in their speed. "Fuck, shit" he whimpered, "Aiden" then his words left him and he only produced incoherent and incomprehensible licentious noises. Soon, after Aiden's hands had wrapped around his waist for better leverage, Tristan felt warmth spread inside him as his best friend ejaculated in him.

"Shit." Aiden groaned, collapsing on top Tristan, placing a kiss just behind his ear.

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