Hundreds of Eyes

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"God, you guys are hot" one of the comments read on their live video.

Ansel felt his face flood with colour, his cheeks darkening to a bruised, matte red colour. He turned to his friend, Jason, who sat next to him on the edge of the bed. Jason smirked, "Well, that's what we are, isn't it?" he asked, raising one eyebrow. Ansel turned his attention back to Jason's phone on the desk, leaned against the wall.

Since beginning college, both of them have been struggling with mountainous amount of school as well as holding down a job to make ends meet. So, it was Jason's suggestion.

"20 dollars if the one with the black hair takes his shirt off as well." Another comment read before it was pushed up by the influx of other comments.

Ansel turned to Jason, now laying back on the twin bed one of them slept in, perched on his elbows, "Well, you heard the people." he said with a lascivious vein, his eyes roaming over Ansel's body as if he was already undressing him.

He turned back to the livestream, seeing the notification for 20 dollars paid into their PayPal pop up before fading. Ansel curled his fingers around the hem of his t-shirt before he pulled it up over his head, the motion causing his fluffy black hair to become ruffled and messy. He spun slowly in front of the camera, warm yellow light playing across his peachy skin, dappling the crevices of his lithe, muscled body in shadow.

Another comment jumped up as he resumed his seating next to Jason, "$30 if both of you pull down your pants, another $60 if you kiss." Ansel felt the warmth spread up across his back and his erection stiffening inside his jeans.

He pivoted his head to Jason, to meet the man's gaze, "C'mon, it's $90." he said with a shrug of his shoulders and a tentative look on his face.

They both stood up from where they sat and began to unbutton their jeans before unzipping and letting them fall concurrently down to the floor and then stepping out of the puddles of demin. They turned to face each other with a cumbersome manner, almost robotically, not completely confident of how to tread around this situation. Just get it done with, Jason mouthed and Ansel saw the concerned glint in his eyes.

He stepped closer to Ansel, placing his hand on the man's hip, before kindling their lips in a quick kiss and then stepping away to sit back down on the edge of the bed, palming himself through his underwear, his penis buzzing with pleasure eager to be released.

Ansel struggled to keep his eyes off his best friend's beautiful, toffee coloured skin, watching as the light splayed out across it in graceful, satiny strips that adorned the bumps of his muscles. His eyes roamed over the man's athletic body, taking peculiar interest in the trail of dark hair that led from his belly button into his underwear. An alluring excitement unfurled around inside Ansel's stomach as he saw the outline of the other man's thick erection in the fabric of his boxers.

Jason couldn't believe his eyes, "$300 if the dark-haired one gives the other one a BJ." he read the comment aloud and his words quickly caught Ansel's attention, bringing his eyes up to meet Jason's, "Do you want to?" Jason asked, his voice was soft and gentle.

Ansel nodded his head and looked back to the phone to see if the payment came in. Once it did, they both stood up, facing each other. The phone one was off to one side, where the viewers would be able to see everything that's happening. Ansel got down to his knees, rubbing Jason's through the taunt fabric of his boxers, attentively listening to the small, minute sounds of pleasure it elicited from the other man's mouth. He kissed it softly, sending bolts of electric pleasure furrowing through Jason's body, before pulling the man's underwear down and his large erection sprung up. He looked up, his eyes focusing on his best friend's attractive, sweetly featured tanned face, and the dark brown eyes that looked down at him.

Jason kept their gazes locked as Ansel wrapped his hand around his erection and began to stroke it softly. His body felt alive as it never had before, as if their was a fuzzy, furred current of electricity coursing just beneath his skin. He brushed his fingers through Ansel's fluffy black hair. He removed his gaze from the other man's eyes and began to focus it on his pink lips, glittering with saliva, and his erection that was disappearing into the man's mouth. He could barely keep his body was jittering as Ansel timidly circled his nimble tongue around Jason's sensitive tip. He felt his abs tightening with pleasure. He couldn't believe that he was fully naked in front of hundreds viewers.

He let his hand rest upon Ansel's head as the man continued to suck him off, his fingers snuggly entangled within the strands of his soft, wavy hair. Jason laid his head back, a groan whistling out between his teeth. He looked down into Ansel's dark blue eyes, the whites around his irises marbled with tiny, sprawling red veins. "Shit." he groaned, watching as one glittering tear slipped over the brim of Ansel's eyes and crawled down his cheek. His semen spilled into his friend's mouth as he moaned, grabbing a fistful of the man's hair as to keep his erection deeply embedded inside his throat. "Fuck, holy fuck." he groaned as he let go of Ansel's hair.

Ansel turned to the camera and stuck his tongue out so that the viewers could see the white blanket of semen that covered it before swallowing the load, pinching his eyes closed as he did so, and laying back against the side of the bed, a salty, bitter taste in his mouth and his throat feeling stretched.

"$1000 if the one with the brown hair fucks the black-haired one." a recent comment read.

The notification for $1000 paid into their PayPal account popped up.

"Shit." he heard Jason murmur beneath his breath.

Jason helped Ansel up from where he sat and then began to softly kiss him before he led him to the foot of the bed where he then bent him over. "Are you ready?" he whispered into Ansel's ear and when the man nodded, he pulled down his underwear, revealing an attractive, pert butt. He spat into the palm of his hand before looking back to where the camera stood to see if the viewers could still see them. Then, aligned himself with Ansel's hole and slowly began to push into him.

Ansel's body went rigid as it was invaded, a bolt of pain springing up from between his thighs, a breath hitching in his throat. Jason halted, halfway inside him, to allow him time to adjust. He nodded to let Jason know that he was ready, and although it still hurt, his body not used to having such a long foreign object inside of it, it was more tolerable.

Jason slowly began to thrust into his best friend, his hands on the man's waist. He saw how tense Ansel still was, his muscles on his back flexed and digging grooves into his smooth skin. He spat onto the tips of his index and middle finger before pulling his erection out of Ansel's body and replacing it with fingers, moving them in and out a for a few seconds, observing as his best friend began to slowly relax; the image of it was so vivid that was almost as if he was melting. He reached over to where his phone was and, after flipping the camera around, held it so that it had a view of their bodies connecting. Again, he spat into the palm of his hand, stroking the saliva onto his erection before he aligned himself with Ansel's entrance and gently began to ease into his body.

Ansel was now able to enjoy the sensation as Jason's body found its way into him, fulling him, before ebbs of pleasure began to move inside of him as Jason began to slowly and softly thrust into him, his erection drawing out before pushing back into his body.

Jason kept his focus of his phone's screen, watching as the image of his erection disappearing and reappearing time and time again played on the screen. His body was on fire, pleasure swirling around inside of him like a intoxicating drug. He read all the comments that popped as he continued to stroke his erection into Ansel's body: "God, it's so fucking hot" "Omfg, they're actually doing it." "Jesus, they're both so bloody hot."

"Do you like that?" Jason grunted, grabbing a fistful of Ansel's hair with his freehand and tugging it back so that he had to arch his back.

"Hmmm." Ansel moaned before he began to whimper. Jason's body slammed into his, sending his erection barreling deeply into his body. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." he cried and moaned, grabbing handfuls of his bed's linen as he felt the long object move in and out of his body quickly.

"Fuck, I'm coming." Jason groaned as he felt his semen rush into Ansel's body and then, after a few seconds' pause, pulling out and letting the viewers see the white liquid trickle out of his best friend's body.

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