Only a small favour

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"Only a small favour for something large in return." The woman said, the warm yellow overhead light falling across her attractive features: her full, baby-pink lips, her dark brown hunter eyes and high cheekbones and olive toned skin, "C'mon, be adventurous." she said, clasping a plump bottom lip between two rows of perfect white teeth while she traced the tip of her finger across the tops of her buxom breasts. She looked at the young, college-aged man, over his chiseled face with its sharp comely features before her eyes followed down the tall expanse of his athletic body, the pockets of shadows that huddled in-between the grooves of his muscles. Their eyes met, the dark blue mandalas of his irises staring deeply into hers' before he pivoted his head to look over his friend - who also lounged on her bed in only his underwear.

Theodore looked over to his friend, Leo, his eyes following over the man's lithe and fit body, his slender graceful limbs, his boyish, sweet face. It felt as if it was the first time he had ever fully looked at the man, for the first time realising how attractive Leo was. Their eyes met; Leo looked as if he was unsure and shy, his eyes dropping to look at the ripples in the bed linen once they had held contact for more than a few seconds - it oddly made him more alluring.

Leo could feel the heat spread across the skin of his face.

"What do you want us to do?" Theodore asked, feigning assurance while he fiddled with the hem of his underwear, keeping his eyes locked with the woman's as he felt a trickle run down his spine.

"Kiss." she whispered, a lascivious sound.

Theodore looked back to Leo and waited and until the man nodded before moving over to him. Crawling on his stomach, he stopped once he could feel the heat that his friend's body emanated on his chest. He awkwardly moved his hand so that it cupped Leo's neck before kindling their lips in kiss.

"Now, no primary school peck on the lips." Alexandra said as she began to undo the buttons on her tight-fitted shirt.

Leo felt warmth spread around in his stomach, heating his skin, causing blood to flow to his penis. He relished in the softness of Theodore's lips on his, but still he was tentative, unsure on what to do despite the fact that it felt as his best friend's skin was like a magnet for his hands.

He felt Theodore's tongue slip into his mouth, graze across his teeth before it pushed up against his tongue. He could taste Theodore's spit.

After a few seconds, Theodore pulled away, his dark red lips slick and glittering with Leo's saliva. He looked over the other college student's face, focusing on the dark, matte red patches that coloured the skin on his cheeks. He was enticed by the way the tendons strained in Leo's neck. Their eyes met again; Leo's pupils were dilated, two large black disks spread out over his hazel eyes.

Theo looked back to Alexandra. He arched his eyebrows. She had a sly smirk on her lips. She moved closer to him, placing a soft hand on his muscled midriff before she placed her lips on his, biting down onto his bottom and until he felt pain blossom and he realised that she had parted his skin. She moved her hand down his stomach, enclosing it around his bulge. He knew what was coming: "Make love to him." she said, whispering the words into his ear before standing up. "But let us firstly get into place." and she directed the two boys how she wanted them situated.

She laid with her back on the bed, completely naked, teasing the nipple of one of her large breasts so that it stood perk and alert while with her other hand she dipped two fingers into her body. She looked over Leo's tall, lissome body, her eyes roaming over his practically hairless skin. "Come here, baby," she cooed, calling him closer to her until he was between his between her legs. "Are you ready?" she asked the timid boy, whispering into the nape of his neck as he bent over her while her fingers enclosed around his 8 inch erection, guiding him into her body.

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