Heavenly Sensation pt. 1

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The chandelier hung in the center of the massive domed ceiling. Its warm light, traveling through an array of expensive crystals, was speckled like stars across the variety of different renaissance artworks. It lent the manor's gallery a sort of heavenly sensation.

The three twenty-year-old students ambled down the quiet hallways, their stepping echoing off the stone floor and wood paneled walls. "C'mon, c'mon." Lorenzo urged the other two on, cracking the large oak door open a slight bit so that the three of them could slip into the cavernous gallery.

William couldn't help but keep his attentive eyes focused on Lorenzo as the young Spanish man moved into the gallery, the warm yellow glittering in the nest of black, thick wavy hair that crowned the top of his head and laying out in satin strips across his tanned, unblemished skin.

"What is it you have in mind, Lorenzo baby?" Selena asked, her silky voice purring as she moved her attractive, lithesome body lasciviously over to the handsome Spaniard; she placed a gentle hand on top the man's toned arm, feeling the muscle hidden within the comfort of his blazer jacket's sumptuous fabric, pressing her body against his so that her buxom breasts pushed up against his bicep before then peppering teasing, soft kisses just behind his ear.

"I think you know what he has in mind, Selena." William said moving over to the other two. They were leaning against the firm stand of some or other marble effigy. William could see the outline of Lorenzo's bulge in the silky fabric of his dress pants; he cupped it, relishing the heat of it within the palm of his hand, before squeezing it, eliciting a soft whimper from the black haired man. He then placed his lips on Lorenzo's, letting his tongue slipped into the other man's mouth and graze across his clean white teeth.

The edge of the effigy's stand was cutting sharply into the flesh of his butt, causing waves of pain to wash up his back, but the pleasure Lorenzo felt overwhelmed the ache, reducing it to something small and dull. He let William's tongue roam around his mouth. He felt warmth begin to stir around his crotch as William began to unbutton his dress pants before slipping a hand in.

William was pleased to find that his friend was not wearing underwear. He slowly began to stroke the other university student's erection hastily, with the intention to bring him to a quickly climax. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, William." Lorenzo whimpered once William had removed his lips from his. He pinched his eyes tightly shut while he felt his skin begin to dampen beneath the layers of his clothing.

"Look at me." William ordered.

Lorenzo did as he was told and opened his eyes to then gaze upon William's attractive, sharply featured face before his eyes stopped on the other man's beautiful green eyes.

William's forearm arm begin to burn from excursion but he knew that Lorenzo's climax was close, the fact of it evident in the man's rushed and panted breathing and soft whimpering moans that came from the man's mouth.

Spotting her opportunity, Selena quickly got on her knees in front of Lorenzo, although it was a struggle with a skin tight, black dress. She took over from William, unzipping Lorenzo's pants and wrapping her elegant hand around the man's 7 inch erection before then loading it into her mouth. She began to bob her head back and forth while she felt William entangle his long, slender fingers within her lustrous black bouncy curls.

"Mmm, fuck." Lorenzo whimpered. He savoured the warm, wet embrace of Selena's mouth as she continued to bob her head back and forth. His and her eyes met: they were a beautiful dark brown colour that glittered shyly within the chandelier's light. "I'm going to cum." and he did, spilling his seed into Selena's mouth.

She swallowed the load before getting back up to her feet. When she was back up again she was met by a soft, delicate kiss from William; her lips were slippery from the saliva and semen. She looked over to Lorenzo, leaning against the effigy, almost as if he was deflated, his chest raising and falling quickly as struggled to regaining his breath, his supple toffee coloured skin gleaming with a slick layer of sweat. "Come here." she said, grabbing hold of the young man's wrist and pulling him closer to her so that they could connect their lips in a kiss, afterwards, she said softly, "You're going to have to repay me, you know." she cooed with a kittenish smile on her dark lips, assuming his previous position against the effigy stand and hitching up the hem of her dress to reveal black lace panties.

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