Rent Boy

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Tristan stood, his back pressed comfortably against the marble wall, the crystal glass with the over-priced whiskey perched in his hand, the carved glass cold against his fingers. The moisture the glass was sweating made it difficult for him to keep his grip, causing him to constantly have to wipe his hand on his black dress-pants.

The dinner party was held in one of Tristan's professor's Gothic manor off campus. He overlooked the tastefully decorated room, giving you the vague feeling that you were in an off-brand Buckingham Palace. The music was soft, but you could hear the skillful wails from the Opera singer clearly, emanating from the expansive stereo attached to the host's vinyl player - Tristan thought it was probably it was the Carmen soundtrack.

"Hey." Tristan heard a seductive murmur from a woman's voice next to him and pivoted his head to investigate the source, "Hey." the comely older woman repeated, smiling coquettishly, her dark, black hair glittering in the warm light that seeped from the strategically placed lamps around the room. The woman was truly beautiful, with large plump breasted framed with the saffron fabric from her red dress that delicately hugged the voluptuously curves of her body. I'm going to get lucky, Tristan thought to himself, a sly smirk spreading on his lips.

"Hi." Tristan responded benevolently and the older woman was unable to wipe the excited grin from her dark-lipsticked lips. She glanced over the 20-something-year-old University student, his blonde, white hair gleaming in the light, his attractive brown eyes that couldn't seem to remove themselves from her bosom. His peachy skin, his sweet face, untouched from a beard or age to hinder it. His smile was boyishly attractive.

She stepped closer to him, her nose filling with his dark cologne. She placed her hand on his midriff, feeling the muscles that shied away behind the soft, creamy white button up. She whispered into his ear with a coy tone, "Come with me, pretty boy-" the words sent chills running up his spine "- and there might be 200 pound for you on the other side."

Tristan thought about, 200 pounds was a lot of money - he might be in an elite university but that doesn't mean his trust fund is brimmed like all the other students - and he possibly gets to sleep with an attractive women as well. He nodded, "Sure." he said, biting his lip and swiftly followed her out of the front door, cautious not to attract anyone's attention.

He had treaded behind her towards a silver Lexus outside the manor. He was now inside it, in awe at the decedent interior of the car, the expensive leather seat snuggly hugging his back. Outside, the world was black, the dark road outstretched in front of them.

From the driver's side, one hand placed on the steering wheel, the other placed on Tristan's knee, inching up towards his crotch with each kilometer that swept past, the woman looked ahead, "This you're first time?" she asked, filling the thick silence of the car.

"Uh- uh, what do you mean?" Tristan stammered, caught off-guard by the question.

"Well, are you virgin?" she asked, moving her gaze to meet Tristan's.

"I don't even know your name." Tristan whispered, blush creeping over his plump cheeks.

"Oh, don't hole up now, pretty boy." she said lasciviously, "It's Meredith." she brought her focus back to the road.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, "You haven't answered my question."

"Well..." Tristan said shyly, "I've slept with someone, a girl from highschool." his mind filled with images and sensations of her tightly clasped around his erection, her nails digging into his back, the noises he caused her to make, how wet she was. He felt himself grow hard.

"Any men?" Meredith moved her gaze, her dark eyes meeting Tristan's yet again as her hand ventured further up his thigh to enclose his erection; she bit her lip. He swallowed his breath.

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