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I hope this is one going good.
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I know u guys wants tejran love parts but love story ke liye base to bannana padega na. Don't worry u would get love anger, confession, romance, bonding everything in this story.

Let's start with the story.

Teju got up in the morning. She got ready and went to kitchen to help her mom.
She had message karan that she would come one hour late. As she decided to first speak to her parents..

They had their tea together.
After breakfast teju ask her parents to sit in front of her and she sat on her knees.
She took their hands in her and finally spoke.
Teju: mom dad, I am confused. I want ur opinion to sort this.
Td: we can understand. I told u it's not rush. U can take ur time..
Teju; I know papa. But I am not understanding what I want. If i m thinking right or wrong.
Tm: tell me waht is troubling u.
Teju: mom, u saw na how sia and me have bonded. I feel some strong connection for her. I just want to keep her protected. And if I say no to this marriage I can't do so and the girl which would get married to sir, will not allow me to do so.
Tm: yes that is right. So r u thinking about saying yes.
Teju: don't know. Because, I have seen sir. He miss his wife. He loved her a lot. So he won't give me that love. So the relationship would be only for sia. So would it last long?
What would be our future?
Td understand her concern.

Td pat her head and said: beta, relationship takes time to develop. It's not like ki jaise filmo mein bolte hai ki pyaar sirf ek baar hota hai.
When u both will spend time together in same house  u would get to know each other. And I know my daughter is kind hearted. I have also met him that day and can say that is a genuine person. So he won't be harsh on u.

Teju was bit calm now. So she said that she is ok for the marriage. She wants to do it for sia.

Tm and td hugs her.
Tm: I am sure u would be happy and would get all the love and respect in that family and soon u will win his heart also.
Teju blushed at this.
She said bye and went to office.

In office karan was getting angry on everyone. As his work schedule was distrub as teju was late. He was so use to her work style. So he doesn't need to worry about anything. But today she was late and he was not getting anything on time.

As soon as she came peon came running to her.
Peon: thank god mam u came. Sir is getting so much angry on everyone.
Teju: why what happened. I had already setup everything for him.
Peon: don't know. U pls go and see.
Teju said ok. Kept her things on her desk and went to his cabin.
Teju knew that karan doesn't know about the marriage proposal so she has to avoid telling him anything.

She knocked the door and loud come in came from inside.
Teju open the door and looked at him.

Karan saw her and felt relief.
Karan : why u were late. I need the files for kapoor project.
Teju went near his desk where everything was messed up.
She started arranging the file one by one snd the file he was looking for was there.
She gave him and he looked at her with surprise.
Karan: I didn't see it..
Teju: I had arranged everything for u properlu so that it  can be easy. But u scolded everyone.
Kya karoge app agar main naa rahu to. 
She realized what she said so she bite her lips in embarrassment.
Karan looked at her with wide eyes open..
Karan: it's not like that. I was in hurry so..
Teju  nodded her head and said. Next time pls call me if u dont find anything. But pls spare the people in office.
He smiled a little as nobody dares to speak to him like this. But she was right so he agreed.
She was about to go when he stopped her.
Karan: today we have to go for an meeting which would be followed by dinner. So inform accordingly at home.
She said ok and left from there.
Teju in mind: uff kya insaan hai. Main naa rahu to ye ek kaam thik se nahi kar sakte.

Let's go to the parents side now.
Tm called km and she picked up immediately as she waiting for the call impatiently.
Km: hello behenji, how r u and all.
Tm: everything fine. What about u all.
Km: we are all good. Just waiting for the news from ur side.
Tm: I know. That's why I called u immediately after speaking to teju.
It's a good news. She said yes.
Km was so happy and looking at her smile chachi understood it's a yes.
Km: thank u so much for making my day. It's really a good news.
Tm: teju said that she wish to give this a  chance for sia sake.
Km: I know they really are bonded very well. Even karan has said yes to get married again. But we haven't told him about teju yet. We were waiting for her yes.
Tm: wow that's nice. So how to go about it.
Km: u tell.. If u all are ok with meeting us on this Sunday then we can do the roka also.
Tm: ok. Let me ask teju father.
Km: I would like to invite u all for lunch on this Sunday.
Everyone would have off so it would be a nice family time.

What would be teju family reply.
What would be karan reactions on knowing about teju.

Let's wait and watch.
Keep voting.

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