108. No Man's Land

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Clementine shuffled forward, bits of soot sticking to her pants as she left footprints in the pale ash coating the road. She adjusted her mask as a pungent aroma stung her nostrils. Looking up, she saw a broken old house left to rot like a festering corpse. The entire porch was blackened and burnt, with a massive hole revealing the charred remains of a living room. The top half of the building appeared less damaged, giving Clem a shred of hope there was something worth salvaging.

She dragged herself inside, a horrible creaking sound following her every step. Clem stopped to examine the living room, finding a twisted mess of burnt furniture coated with a layer of snow-white ash. Moving to the stairs, the creaking got louder and the first step wobbled slightly under Clem's weight. She moved very slowly, fearful the staircase might collapse out from under her at any moment.

Clem could see the walls here were stained with smoke but not burnt like the first floor. Reaching the upstairs, she headed for the bathroom first, reasoning there were some leftover medicines she could take. There wasn't, in fact the bathroom didn't even have any towels left. Heading into the bedroom, she saw a dresser left open and emptied of clothes. Clem sighed as it confirmed to her this house had likely been cleaned out before most of it burnt down.

Heading to the nearest window, Clem looked outside at the desolate landscape they now found themselves trapped in. She had passed dozens of concrete foundations decorated only by piles of soot and occasional brick chimneys left standing. Ash-coated cars sitting on naked wheels with piles of melted glass caked onto the metal just beneath where the windows used to be. Bare and burnt trees flanked the roads on both sides, like prison bars reminding Clem she was trapped here.

"Nothing?" Clem looked over her shoulder to find Dilawar behind her. His face, what of it she could see through his ski mask and goggles, was racked with anxious despair. Clem merely nodded in response to his question. "Figures."

"What about you?" asked Clem. "Was there anything in the garage?"

"Mostly nothing," Clem noticed something under Dil's arm.

"What's that?"

"This? I looked around in the kitchen, most of it was burnt up and empty, but I did find a stuck drawer," said Dilawar as he sat down. "And I managed to unstick it."

"Really?" Clem perked up as she realized Dil had brought the entire drawer with him. She leaned in for a closer look. It was stuffed full of small, square packets. "These are... what are these?"

"Pretty sure they're moist towelettes," said Dil.


"Those little wet napkins you sometimes got at restaurants. I guess whoever lived here hoarded them or something." Dilawar started fiddling with one of his packets but then his hand started twitching. "You think you can open it?"

"What's the point?" asked Clem as she took the packet.

"Well... we can't waste water on a bath right now, these might be the next best thing... if they're still good." Clem sighed and tore open one of the packets. She was surprised to see a bit of liquid leak out. Unfolding the tiny, damp square, she rubbed the towelette against the lenses on her mask. Much to her surprise, it wiped away most of the ash and dirt with ease.

"Huh," said Clem as she looked at the towelette. "These things stay good for over two years but not gasoline?"

"I guess so," shrugged Dilawar as he took off his backpack. "And it's not like we have anything else to show for our trip so far." While Dilawar dumped the towelettes into his bag, Clem inched up to the window and wiped away the soot and dust. She sighed to herself as she only saw a more clear image of scorched trees stretching all the way to the horizon. Had they only noticed the signs before it was too late.

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