19. Do Over

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"Why do I have to carry both of our canteens and the tin snips?" asked Sarah as she adjusted her backpack's strap.

"Because I'm already carrying the bolt cutter and the bayonet," said Clementine as she walked along the highway with Sarah.

"But why did you pack those?"

"Because I want to be sure we're ready for anything this time."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"This will work."

"It's just, the further we walk, the longer it'll take us to get back to Omid," said Sarah as she adjusted her grip on her rifle. "I really don't like leaving him."

"We moved the RV, fed him, changed him, and put him down for a nap," reminded Clem. "He'll be okay for a little while."

"But, if something goes wrong, he'll—"

"Sarah, we're going to be really careful this time. We're not going to rush, we've both got loaded guns, and if something looks bad we'll go right back to the RV."

"Okay. But this seems like a lot just to get more bullets."

"Not just bullets."

"And your tomahawk."

"Not just that."

"And you want to get a pistol for me and—"

"It's not just what's at this gun store Sarah."

"What then?"

"We're just not finding much food right now," reminded Clem. "We might have to go into other places with lots of walkers to get some."

"So, this is like more practice?"

"Yeah. If this goes okay, then we can try it again with somewhere with lots of food," reasoned Clem. "And then maybe we won't have to move around so much."

"I just wish we could find somewhere like before," said Sarah. "Where there were almost no lurkers and a lot of food people forgot about."

"I do too, but we can't just keep waiting to find another jackpot," said Clem. "For all we know, there isn't anywhere like Spokeston left."

Clementine stopped to buttoned her jacket, then buttoned her raincoat. It was a cold November day, and even with two layers of clothing, she could feel the chill in the air. Looking around, Clementine couldn't help admiring the stunning autumn display bordering the highway; a breathtaking mosaic made from red, orange, yellow and brown leaves of all shades. But her admiration for such natural beauty waned as she realized the foliage was an undeniable sign that winter was fast approaching.

Turning her attention back to the road, Clem grimaced as she looked out at all the remnants of the chaos that had unfolded long before she came here. Decrepit cars, some stalled in the middle of the road, others lying in the ditch, one even upside down, all of which were abandoned long ago. There were empty plastic bottles, half decomposed cardboard boxes, and discarded beer cans littering the edges of the highway. They were likely there before the outbreak, but their various logos and symbols having long ago faded in the sun's light made it clear no one was ever coming to pick them up. The road however was dotted with natural refuse. Leaves, branches, even a couple of pinecones; all signs that no one used this highway anymore, and probably never would again.

Coming up on where the highway intersects with the road into town, Clem found her hand moving to her holster. She also found herself wishing she had her tomahawk as well. Looking at Sarah, she could see the older girl was nervous at well. Reaching the intersection, Clem noticed a sign on the right that read 'Sumac, Georgia: It'll grow on you.' The girl didn't have time to digest the sign's sense of humor as she and Sarah moved deeper into this tiny hamlet, she had to stay vigilant for walkers. Clem didn't see any of the rancid savages in the immediate area, but she knew they were still out there.

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