2. New Frontiers

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Clem and Sarah finished their meals and then Clem readied herself to go outside. Returning to the bedroom, Clementine pulled her curly hair back and shaped it into a bun with her hair tie, then placed her favorite baseball cap on her head. Next she collected her gun from its hiding place under the dresser drawer. She removed the gun's magazine to confirm it was still empty, then pulled back the slide to see there was still one bullet left in the chamber. Checking to make sure the safety was still on, Clem tucked the gun into the holster hanging on her belt.

Moving into the garage, Clem collected her old backpack from one of the shelves and packed some tin snips and a rope into it, along with a canteen. She slipped a compass in her pocket, tucked a knife into the sheath hanging on the other side of her belt, and collected a small sports bottle from the shelf. Checking it, the bottle was still stuffed with coins and a wad of cotton so it wouldn't rattle until Clem wanted it to. She clipped it to her belt, along with a handheld radio decorated with faded flower stickers.

She slipped on some gloves and a pair of ski goggles to protect her eyes, but elected to leave the mask behind for now. Moving away from the shelf, Clem spotted her raincoat hanging near the door, still coated with a thin layer of dried walker flesh. She donned the coat, hoping the smell was still strong enough to conceal her scent, then zipped up her pack and hoisted it onto her back. Lastly, the girl retrieved her tomahawk. For an adult it was probably meant to be used with one hand, but the girl gripped the purple handle tightly with both hands before hoisting it over her shoulder. Clem adjusted the tomahawk's homemade shoulder strap, then headed back into the living room.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Sarah as Clem headed for the front door. Looking at the older girl cradling the baby they were taking care of, Clem didn't even have to think about her answer.

"You said it yourself, we need food. And we've checked everywhere else around here. The only place I haven't really checked is the road that goes north of here. Maybe there's more houses there with something we could take, or even another store."

"I know, but... you're sure you don't want to take the Brave?"

"The Brave?"

"Oh, I mean the RV." Clem gave Sarah a look. "Well, it said Brave on the front, so, I thought it'd make a nice nickname."

Clem smiled. "It is a nice nickname. But I don't want to use it unless we have to. We don't have a lot of extra diesel for it, so I don't want to waste any going somewhere that might not have anything. Plus, it makes a lot of noise too."

"Well... maybe I could go instead and you..."

"Do you want to go?" Sarah didn't answer, but the shameful look on her face made it clear she didn't. "It's okay Sarah. I'll do it."

"It's just... I'm older than you. And I'm bigger. I... I should..."

"It's okay Sarah," insisted Clem, trying to calm her nervous friend. "You stay here and I'll go. I kinda like it."

"You... you like going out there?"

"Well, maybe not like it. But, it is kinda exciting sometimes, checking people's house for stuff we can use and seeing something new. It's sorta like exploring. And I definitely like that better than boiling water or doing the laundry."

"Still, I worry about you," confessed Sarah.

"And if you went I'd just worry about you," reasoned Clem. "Just keep your radio on and I'll call you around noon."

"Okay. But if something happens, just call, and I'll drive the Brave out to get you."

"I'll be fine." Sarah smiled slightly in response to Clem's assurance. "I'd hug you, but I've already got the raincoat on."

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