34. Paradise

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"You did well today Deacon," said Mack as Deacon hopped out of the back of the truck. "And your friend here is a hard worker."

"Thanks," said Clementine as she jumped down onto the grass, surprised by the compliment. It had been a long day of collecting and picking oranges, but it seemed to be coming to a close now, well before the sun had set. With all the barrels filled, Mack had driven them back to Valkaria and parked the truck near a dock stretching out into the river.

"What's your name?" asked Mack.


"Seriously?" Clem nodded at Ted. "How's that for a perfect fit? A girl named Clementine picking oranges."

"It'd be a perfect fit if she was picking clementines," said Mack. "A girl named Clementine picking valencias? Not so much."

"If you kids want, you could ride over with us to Paradise, hang out while we deliver the oranges and get our fish and water," offered Ted.

"For real?" asked a surprised Deacon. "That'd be great."

"It would?" whispered Clem.

"Yeah, they call it Paradise for a reason," whispered Deacon back.

"So is that a yes?" asked Mack.

"Definitely." Deacon looked over at Clem. "Well?"


Clem watched as Mack and Ted rolled the barrels down a ramp they placed on the tailgate and started wheeling them onto the dock with a hand truck. Walking across the dock, Clem spotted a big flat boat bobbing across the water. But beyond that, Clem could see an island. It was the same one she had seen from Rhonda's dock; a simple stretch of green land with a few buildings lining the shore.

"That's paradise?" asked Clem.

"Close enough," said Deacon.

Mack and Ted loaded the barrels onto the boat and, after a few tries, Ted managed to start the motor. Traveling by boat was an odd sensation for Clementine. It felt like the ground was trying to move out from under her feet and she had a little trouble maintaining her balance.

"No sea legs?" asked Deacon.

"Sea what?" asked Clem as she held onto the rail for balance.

"It just means you're used to being on boats."

"I'm not," said Clem as the vessel bobbed over the water.

"Don't worry, it's not a long ride."

Clem wrapped her arms around the railing and looked up as the boat neared the island. It was a long island covered in trees that were growing bigger with every passing moment. The ship maneuvered past the edge of the island and turned, revealing an inlet cutting through the greenery.

Moving into the narrow inlet, Clem was surprised to see small docks lining each side of the shore. She was even more surprised to see spacious two-story houses tucked away behind these docks, complete with lawns that had been converted into gardens. As Clem tried to get a closer look at what produce they were growing, she spotted a woman in overalls and a sunhat leaving her house. She dipped her watering can into a barrel set next to her house and proceeded to water her plants.

"People live here," said Clem.

"Yeah, some people," shrugged Deacon.

"I mean, like actually live," said Clem. "Like things are okay."

"Well, yeah. Hard to sneak onto an island, dead or alive," said Deacon. "That just leaves food and water."

"Water?" asked Clem. "We're on a river."

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