32. Thanksgiving

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"So what did you say this place used to be?" asked Clementine as she pulled some loose boards from a pile.

"Well the building behind you used to be a flea market, and I think the one across from it was... also a flea market, but that was ages ago," said Deacon as he started arranging wood into a fire pit. "This area use to be for new people to settle and meet."

After leaving Rhonda's house, Deacon had given directions for Sarah to bring them to this area right off the main road. There were two very short old buildings that created a wide alley that led to more old buildings nestled in a heavily worn paved lot. Centered in the middle of it was a huge fire pit made from cinderblocks and on each end of the alley were an assortment of mismatched chairs and stools that had been left exposed to the elements for far too long.

Other than crickets chirping in the distance, it was eerily quiet. The sun had nearly set now and the first stars of the coming night sky had already emerged. The air was cool but not cold, making for a fine evening to spend outside. After tossing another board into the fire pit, Clem stopped briefly to examine one of the buildings creating the alley.

"The flea malls here were hollowed out, turned into a kind of shelter if you will, where people used to sleep," explained Deacon.

Standing on a chair to peer through one of the windows, Clementine could see a disorganized collection of old blankets, pillows, and sheets arranged in-between shelves inside. There were other things scattered across the floor like books, old shirts, and empty cans, with a thin layer of dust coating everything she looked at.

"There hasn't been anyone new around these parts in a long time," said Deacon as he cleaned a small metal grate with a rag.

"Why not?" asked Clem as she approached Deacon.

"I guess there just ain't many people left at this point," shrugged Deacon. "You and your friend are the first ones I've seen in over a month. And I can't even remember how long it was before Patty that I saw someone new." Deacon stopped cleaning the grate. "Had to be before winter, but when... I'm not sure. So little happens here now is just sort of blurs together." Deacon placed the grate over the fire pit as Sarah emerged from the Brave, Omid clutched in her arms.

"Hey OJ," smiled Clem as Sarah brought the boy closer.

"Say hi Omid," prompted Sarah. "Say hi to Clementine."

"Muh-meh," said Omid.

"I think I got everything we'll need, can you just watch him for a few minutes while I get it ready?" asked Sarah.

"Sure." Clem took Omid from Sarah. "Who's our big boy?"

"Dah-bah," said Omid.

"That's right, you are," said Clem.

"Deacon, you said you needed this?" asked Sarah as she held out a lighter.

"Thanks." Sarah returned to the Brave while Deacon tried lighting the fire pit.

"Are you sure this is good to eat?" asked Clem as she approached the wrapped fish sitting in a chair. Studying it carefully, Clem saw that it had been sliced nearly in half and folded open, almost like a clam shell.

"Sure it is, you could eat it right now if you wanted," said Deacon as he fanned the flames in the fire pit.

"I could?"

"It's already dried and salted; cooking it just makes it taste better." Deacon collected the fish and brought it to the fire pit.

"Rhonda said she doesn't trust them," said Clem as she followed Deacon back to the fire pit, Omid clutched in her arms.

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