78. Maturity

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"You ready?" asked Clementine as she adjusted her grip on Sarah.

"I... I don't know," admitted an uneasy Sarah. "I guess so."

"Okay, hold on." Clementine pushed the bike forward as Sarah began to pedal. It wasn't long before Clem could feel the bike beginning to pull away from her and before she knew it had flown right out of her grip.

"Don't let go until—"

"I already did!" Clem watched as Sarah looked back over her shoulder. "Pedal!" Clem felt a lump in her throat as the bike wobbled beneath Sarah as she tried to pedal faster.

"I... I... I'm actually doing it," realized Sarah as she found her balance. "I'm... I'm riding a bike, without training wheels!"

"You did it!" cheered an overjoyed Clem as Sarah made a u-turn and came racing back.

"I can't believe it," professed a still exhilarated Sarah as she skidded to a stop in front of Clem. "I know you said I was going to finally ride a bike today, but I didn't think it'd actually happen."

"Me neither, I thought we could just get in a little practice after lunch," admitted Clem. "Maybe you're a natural?"

"I never thought I'd like riding a bike so much," said Sarah as she turned the bike back towards the road.

"Oh, let me get my bike, we can ride together real quick." Clem hurried past the gate and around the back of the Brave. She removed her bike from the rack, which wasn't easy since it was so heavy. Rolling it forward, Clem arrived back at the gate just in time to watch Sarah take off into the distance.

"Sarah, wait! Where are you going?" Clem mounted her bike and started pedaling as fast as she could but couldn't catch him. Sarah raced into the forest surrounding the farm and Clem soon lost sight of her behind some trees as she banked around a corner with surprising speed. Clem's heart was beating against her chest now as the trees were flying by her so fast that they all melded together into a blur.

Suddenly, the woods disappeared, and Clem was sailing along a lush field that spread out into the horizon like a green sea, and just off in the distance was Sarah standing in the middle of the road.

"Hey!" called Clem as she slid her bike to a sudden stop. "Wait... wait up," pleaded Clem between breaths as she wiped the sweat off her face.

"Sorry," said Sarah as she looked back at Clem. "It's just..."

"It's just like... flying," spoke an exhausted Clem with a smile. "I know."

"I guess, but, I just realized, I haven't left the farm since we got here."

"You haven't?"

"No. Everyone else has left at some point, usually to get stuff, even Sin went with Devlin and Patty when they got the backhoe. Other than Omid, I'm the only one who's never been away from the farm," said Sarah as she stared out at the horizon. "Do you ever miss it?"

"Miss what?"

"Moving around, like we used to?"

"No," answered Clem bluntly. "You do?"

"I don't know, maybe a little? I mean, some of it wasn't bad."

"Like what?"

"Like going to the Space Center," reminded Sarah. "That was a lot of fun. And seeing Disney World was kind of cool, even if it was wrecked, and that time we went to a mall and played with toys and got new clothes and—"

"Those people almost stole the Brave," concluded Clem.


Clem looked around at the empty fields surrounding the lonely road they were standing on. Other than the grass swaying slightly in the wind, there was nothing to see, just untarnished earth beneath a clear blue sky. It was as if looking out on empty space itself, and the longer Clem stared at it, the more afraid she became of it, and what could fill it.

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