61. Wagons North

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Clementine peered through the Brave's windshield. All across the dingy gravel lot were cars and trucks glinting in the morning sun. Clem could see Anthony's truck parked across from them, but it was the big white RV with the red and silver stripes at the end of the lot she couldn't take her eyes off of. She couldn't see anyone moving from here, but she knew there were people inside of it.

"Omid, stop." Clem turned around to see Sarah struggling to feed Omid a spoonful of lima beans. "Come on, just a bit—"

"Nuh-duh!" demanded Omid as he swatted the spoon out of Sarah's hand, spilling the beans onto the floor.

"Omid, no!" lectured Sarah as she knelt down to pick up the spoon. "You're wasting them."

Clem felt torn as she watched Sarah try to coax the irate toddler into eating more. They hadn't had much time lately to look for more food, and had also given a small amount to their new acquaintances, meaning they had to be less picky about what they ate for now. On the other hand, Clem really hated the taste of lima beans.

"Come on," said Patty as she handed Clem her pistol. "She's got her hands full; we should go over and say good morning to our new friends."

"Okay." Clem placed her gun in its holster and followed Patty out of the Brave. It was another cold morning, and Clem found herself tugging on her jacket as she felt the cool air nipping at her skin. Shortly after stepping outside, Anthony emerged from his camper. He had an impatient look on his face and made a slight gesture with his head towards the pair.

"What's up?" asked Patty as she drew closer.

"So, you gonna go fix that thing for them?" asked Anthony in an oddly quiet voice.

"That was the plan," said Patty.

"Yeah, the one we made yesterday," mumbled Anthony. "When that old guy was hitting us with a lot of big stuff."

"What are you getting at?" asked Patty.

"You don't want to help them," realized Clem out loud.

"God damn it Anthony..."

"What do we really know about this guy?" he asked. "Our heads were spinning so much from all this new information, we didn't even stop to think if this is someone we want to keep around or not."

"It's always the same argument with you," accused Patty.

"I'm sorry, was there some other time we discussed taking on some new people?"

"No, but anytime there's an issue, you always recommend whatever choice makes us the bigger assholes," retorted Patty.

"I want to make the choice that keeps us safe. This guy is talking about spies and bombs and war and all kinds of shit. How do we know he ain't a part of all this craziness he's so keen to get away from?"


"Seriously, we've got his word to go on for all of this," said Anthony. "For all we know, maybe Houston ain't so bad but he can't go back there because he fucked over the wrong people."

"So now you want to go to Houston?" asked a dubious Patty.

"Hell no. I'm just saying, we shouldn't accept everything this guy says at face value. For all we know, he's playing us."

"To do what?"

"He could want something from us." Anthony and Patty both turned to Clem, surprised to hear her say that. "We're gonna help him fix an RV and show him how to stay alive, and that's after we saved him and Jet. If Sin did anything bad, he might not tell us about it because he'd be afraid we wouldn't help him then."

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