87. Punishment

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Morgan just stood there before Sarah and Clementine, a rifle in one hand, a pistol in the other, and that same look of disgust in his eyes that had so unnerved Clem earlier. She felt sick to her incredibly sore stomach, made all the worse there was nothing she could do. She couldn't fight him, she couldn't run, she couldn't even hold Sarah because her hands were still cuffed behind her back. The most Clem could manage was to inch over to her until their shoulders were touching, the only comfort she could offer Sarah, or herself.

"Honey, stay in the truck." Clem turned her head just in time to see Michelle exiting the garbage truck that had nearly ran Clem over. Arching her neck back to peer through the windshield, she could also see her own hat poking up past the dashboard and realized Cal was inside. She also figured he must be frightened as well judging from how much her hat was shaking in place.

"That was fucking stupid what you did with the truck," griped Morgan as Michelle approached him.

"You said you wanted me to scare them, so I did," said Michelle as Morgan handed her the pistol. "Besides, we already know the little one isn't going to cooperate, no big loss if I ran her over at this point."

"I ain't worried about her, you could have thrown an axle jumping the curb like that," lectured Morgan as Michelle tucked the pistol into the back of her pants.

"I figured one way or another we're leaving it behind, seeing as we've got a brand new RV to replace it with." Clem watched anxiously as Michelle removed her sword from its sheath. She eyed both girls on their knees, filling Clem with dread, then thrust her sword at Sarah, prompting her to yell out in fright. "Didn't I tell you?" said Michelle as she pointed her sword at a trembling Sarah. "Mexicans."

"Look at the nose, she's at least part nigger as well," added Morgan. "But either way, it's obvious they were both sent by the Lexington gang."

"What are you people talking about?" asked a baffled Sarah. "Why... why did you do this to Clem? What is wrong with you? What... what did we ever do to you?"

"Save us the bullshit, we know you're with the group that came out of Lexington," dictated Morgan.

"What's Lexington? I don't know what—wait!"

"Sarah!" Clem watched helplessly as Michelle positioned the tip of her sword right at Sarah's neck.

"You've seen what we did to your little friend," warned Michelle in a cold voice as Sarah could only shudder in fear. "Just tell us where your people are hiding; it'll be easier for both of you."

"She doesn't know anything!" insisted Clem. "I'm the one you want, just leave them alone!"

"Them?" Morgan spun around and looked at the Brave. "Shit, there's more inside!"

"No! It's—ahh!" Michelle grabbed Sarah by the collar and forced her to her feet.

"Don't try anything or she dies!" announced Michelle as she placed her blade right under Sarah's neck and forced her to face the RV, turning her into a human shield.

"Leave her alone!" begged a desperate Clem as she stood up. "She didn't do anything! Take me if—ahhh!" Clem felt herself being knocked to the pavement as Morgan struck her in the back with the rifle.

"Watch them closely Michelle, I'll check out the RV." Clem watched anxiously as Morgan raised the rifle and aimed at the Brave's door. "This is your only warning! Come out now or I'm coming in shooting!"

"It's just a baby!" yelled Clem as Morgan stormed up the Brave's steps. "There's only a baby in there! He—" Clem felt her stomach drop as she briefly heard Omid crying, and then was silenced by single gunshot.

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