Ch.1 New world

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~Y/n pov~

I sighed as I entered the train.

Another boring day at work. Everyday feels the same.

People scurried onto the train to escape the cold.

A few seemed to recognise me and gave me weary looks, trying to discreetly walk as far away from me as possible.

Before I knew it, the train was full.

I grabbed one of the railings and stood rooted to my spot as a few more stragglers arrived and the doors closed.

The train set off at a slow pace before speeding up and reaching its usual steady speed.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone, trying to open the latest chapter of Omniscient Reader.

An error popped up.

Strange... maybe I should try refreshing.

When I refreshed, the screen went blank.

What is happening? I opened my search engine and typed in Omniscient Reader.

The page was blank with the words 'Your search did not match any documents'.

I frowned in confusion.

My phone buzzed and a message from an anonymous sender appeared.

'You might need this' the message reader and attached was a copy of Omniscient Reader.

Before I could even question this mysterious message, the train came to a screeching halt.

I clung to the metal bar, trying not to be flung off my feet.

Looking around, the surroundings seemed to have changed.

I swear there were different people around me before....

It was loud as everyone talked over each other in a panic, trying to figure out what was going on.

I glanced at the time on my phone. It was seven o'clock.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please. Please, evacuate!" A voice spoke from the speakers.

Then it was dead silent.

I looked up at where everyone else was looking and saw a fluffy white creature with horns floating in the air.

What the fuck?

It opened its mouth and started speaking a foreign language as everyone stared at the creature in confusion.

"What's that thing saying?!"

"Is this an augmented reality or something?"

"Ew, it's so ugly!"

What? I thought they were quite cute.

I can't believe it. My eyes scanned the crowd in search of a certain someone.

He's not here.

Maybe I'm dreaming or hallucinating.

I swear the people in the carriage seemed to change but maybe it's my imagination.

"Testing testing. Can everyone hear me? Gosh. The language pack was malfunctioning for a bit." The Dokkaebi called out.

"What are you doing? I'm going to be late for my date." A man complained noisily.

The Dokkaebi stared at him blankly in response.

The carriage became louder as more people joined in and complained.

"Okay, everyone please calm down. Why don't you take a seat and listen? I have something very important to tell you." The Dokkaebi announced.

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