Ch.5 Cinema Dungeon

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~Y/n pov~

"Is master really in danger?" Jihye asked sceptically, "How do you know that? And why are you trying to save him?"

[The Constellation, Secretive Plotter, is curious to know why]

"That's what companions are for." Dokja stated vaguely.

I looked around the dark corridor.

It was completely empty and there were ripped posters along the walls.

"Dokja, all the posters have been ripped. I wonder who did it." Gilyoung pointed out.

"Beats me." Dokja responded absentmindedly, appearing to be deep in thought.

We wandered up the stairs and saw a group of four men.

They slashed the poster in front of me and were sucked into it.

"What just happened?" Huiwon asked startled as suddenly a light appeared and sucked us in too.

"I hope you like movies." I muttered sarcastically as we were sucked into the film.

[You have been shot by the projection beam]

[The screening will now begin for your floor]

We reappeared in a clearing, trees surrounding us and blocking our vision.

"Just where are we?!" Jihye exclaimed as she took in our new surroundings.

"We're inside the movie." Dokja casually replied, as if it were an everyday occurrence.

"Things just keep getting more and more complicated." Huiwon sighed.

Gilyoung suddenly ran forward as a large bug came flying out of the bush and into his hands.

Jihye was ready to kill it but stopped when Gilyoung spoke.

"This is a titanoptera. It's an insect from the Triassic period." Gilyoung stated as he observed the large, green creature he was holding.

He smiled as he communicated with the bug.

Jihye was confused and weirded out as Gilyoung seemed to be glowing as he smiled.

"His skill means he can communicate with them." I explained to her as we watched the happy boy.

All of a sudden, the ground started to tremble as I heard a faint roaring sounds.

A thudding noise come be heard getting closer.

One of the men from earlier came running towards us, a massive dinosaur chasing after him.

It towered over us immensely.

Huiwon smiled nervously, "I think I know what movie this is."

We all turned and sprinted away from the monster.

The man from before shrieked as the ancient monster smacked him away like a bug.

[Tier 7 Land dragon species, Tyrannosaurus rex, has become aware of your presence]

We turned to face the beast, holding our weapons in front of us with varying levels of confidence.

Jihye and Huiwon were both quick to charge forward as the dinosaur targeted the rest of us.

"I'll distract it." Gilyoung told us both confidently.

"No way." I immediately protested.

The boy ignored me as there was a faint green glow around him, the bug from earlier appeared and went flying towards the monster at a rapid speed.

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