Ch.12 Catastrophe of Floods

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~Y/n pov~

Sooyoung had returned the next day and Sangah woke up, having no memory of being possessed by her Constellation or the conversation that took place last night.

Joonghyuk and I had fully recovered from the poisoning, much to everyone's relief.

We stared at the broken bridge, a mix of annoyance and disappointment displayed on our faces.

Every bridge we came across was destroyed.

"What now?" Sangah asked.

The quiet murmurs grew louder as a small group was gathering in the area near the bridge.

Sangah reached into her pocket and pulled some food that had been neatly wrapped to preserve it.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, disapproving of her actions.

"They're starving."

"So what? Some people deserve to die. Besides, we don't have enough food to feed everyone. They need to learn to fend for themselves." I reasoned.

Sangah seemed convinced by my argument as she reluctantly placed the food away and stared at the sickly looking people with an almost unnoticeable frown on her face.

Dokja looked around as if calculating something before sighing.

"Actually, if we only give them a bit I think we'll have enough." He finally spoke.

"You think?" I replied unsurely.

There were quite a few people here and I wasn't sure how much food we actually had.

Dokja smiled and ruffled my hair, leaning in to whisper, "We can easily get more food and this will make us look good."

He smiled and softly ruffled my hair before moving towards a small group of people to hand out food, motioning for everyone else to do the same.

Sooyoung sighed as she stared at us both in disbelief.

Joonghyuk seemed like he wanted nothing to do with us as we all started to hand out food, people clutching our hands and thanking us with tears in their eyes.

It took a little while before we had managed to give a small portion of food to everyone.

What now? We still need to find some bridge or some way over.

"Excuse me?" A girl with blonde hair gently tugged on my clothes to get my attention, "Thank you."

She bowed politely to me.

I don't think I deserve any thanks since I was fine leaving all these people to die...

Dokja stood next to me and smiled at the girl.

It seems like he knows her. Is she a character?

"Where are your parents?"

The girl in the pastel pink cardigan averted her eyes as she spoke, "They're not here anymore."

"Both of them?" I was slightly surprised she had survived seemingly on her own up until this point.

"We're wasting our time and food." Sooyoung complained quietly, a scowl on her face.

"I agree." Joonghyuk stated as he glared at anyone who dared to go near him.


Night eventually fell.

We had made little progress today in getting to the area of the next catastrophe but Dokja didn't seem too worried which meant we probably had enough time to get there.

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