Ch.14 Peace Land

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~Y/n pov~

The group we had encountered captured our friends, who had also become tiny.

Dokja and Michio worked together to defeat the group.

Now Michio had shrunk and Dokja had to carry us all around. He seemed to have some sort of goal in mind.

Dokja was the only one who remained big, although he wouldn't be for long.

Time was slowly running out.

"Asuka, you're alive. It's you, isn't it?" Michio yelled to a small person stuck in a cage.

She snapped her head around to look at us upon hearing her name being called.

Is she the author he was talking about earlier?

Gilyoung's small body clung to mine as we sat on Dokja's shoulder, holding onto the fabric of his coat tightly so we wouldn't fall off.

"Shoji! What are you doing here?" Asuka yelled, clutching the golden bars that held her captive.

"Where is the serpent?" Dokja asked the man who was holding the cage, "You're not the serpent."

The man was surprised to hear his words and started to transform.

"You're a centipede."


Dokja won the fight against one of the two catastrophe's by calling on a Constellation to help him.

The old woman fought alongside him. Although she didn't look it, she was really strong and was ultimately the one who killed him, gaining the penalty of growing smaller.

Dokja ran from the rest of the group who chased after us with their weapons raised.

Asuka had asked to go with us and was guiding us through the forest as the trees seemed to be moving and changing the pattern of the forest.

At that moment, the timer hit zero and Dokja began to gradually get smaller.

We all jumped off him as he crouched down.

"We should hide." I told the group.

If we hid the group would run straight past and get lost in the forest.

We all rushed to hide near some bushes so we were hidden from the view of the men who were running around blindly.

"Asuka Ren."

"I don't recall telling you my name." Asuka looked at us with suspicion.

"Michio told me about you." Dokja responded, "Please, lead the way for my friends. Could you take them to Veronica Castle?"

Asuka was surprised, "How do you know about the places in Peace Land?"

"I'll explain later." Dokja looked towards were the men were searching, "I'll try to stop them."

Hyunsung was quick to refuse, "I'm not leaving you behind."

"That's the only way we can survive. I can manage to escape if I'm alone." Dokja stated.

The rest were also reluctant but agreed.

He probably has a plan.

Dokja nodded and patted my head, "I'll be alright. Now go."

He pushed me lightly to follow after the others who were being lead by Asuka.


We hasn't even made it to the castle when we met up again.

Dokja arrived with Pildu and Sooyoung. I'm guessing they helped him escape.

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