Ch.7 The prophets

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~Y/n pov~

We arrived at Dongdaemun History and Culture Park station.

"This is strange. There's no one around." Dokja noted that the station looked to be completely deserted.

"Maybe it's a trap." I added, already knowing it is.

Although wouldn't Joonghyuk being here alter the story.

[This station is under the control of Dongmyo station]

Ilhun spluttered and looked up at us, "N-no! Dongdaemin is..."

His sentence was cut off as he started to choke again, his eyes glazing over.

[Kang Ilhun has become a wanderer]

"Someone's coming." Hyunsung whispered to us.

Joonghyuk looked towards the entrance of the station with narrowed eyes, his hand hovering over the hilt of his sword.

A small group of men holding weapons turned up.

The one in the centre, who looked to be the ringleader, smirked at us.

"Ilhun? Looks like you've brought unwelcome guests. Are you going to introduce yourselves?"

His smirk abruptly fell as he noticed Joonghyuk and he looked like a terrified child.

"Fuck off." Joonghyuk told him bluntly.

Dokja smiled nervously and placed his hand on Joonghyuk's arm to try and prevent him from drawing his weapon.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?!" One of the guys asked as he glared at Joonghyuk.

He was abruptly slashed down by the group's leader.

"I apologise. My name is Lee Seongguk. I am the vice representative of Dongmyo station." He introduced himself to us while smiling nervously.

"Take us to see your leader." Dokja commanded.

They took one glance at Joonghyuk and instantly agreed.

Dokja smirked, "Hey, you're quite useful after all."

"Shut up." Joonghyuk replied without missing a beat.


Seongguk led us through the station, his body was trembling slightly from the nerves of being in Joonghyuk's presence.

Joonghyuk didn't even spare him a glance as he walked beside me.

Everyone in the station stood at the side gossiping and whispering as we walked down the middle.

"Is that..."

"No way."

"If that's Joonghyuk... Then that must be Y/n."

It was strange that they seemed to know who I was as if I was in the original book... but it can't be.

Dokja would've known if I was in the book. Unless he's hiding it from me and has been lying this whole time.

Seongguk seemed to be reading something on his phone.

Dokja increased his agility and dashed right behind him so he could see the screen, "Hey, what are you reading?"

The man jumped in shock.

They seemed to be afraid of us so they are probably assuming we are all Joonghyuk's companions.

I glanced at Joonghyuk to see the usual blank expression on his face as he walked forward.

The world isn't fair. He's prettier than me.

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