Ch.10 Separated

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~Y/n pov~

I was so exhausted that I ended up falling asleep on Joonghyuk.

He didn't seem to sleep and waited until I woke up.

When I woke up, we discussed what we would do now since we were separated from the group.

"We should head towards the area of the next scenario.. wherever that is." I told him unsurely.

Joonghyuk was quick to agree, "Every will be going there eventually."

I glanced over at the current scenario.


<Sub scenario - Survival activities >

Category : Sub

Difficulty : C+

Clear conditions : survive in the ruined city for ten days

Duration : 10 days

Reward : none

Penalty for failure : death


I exited the house and looked around the street, noticing all the familiar buildings.

My house was quite far away from where we were.

It'll take a couple of days to get there.

It wasn't long until we encountered monsters.

They seemed to be roaming around everywhere.

I was also surprised to see small groups of people surviving.

Not everyone has to complete the scenarios if someone else does it.

An animalistic growl interrupted my thoughts as I turned to see a massive wolf.

It leaped to attack the man in front of it.

The man was trembling as he took shaky steps back, stumbling and almost tripping a few times.

I reached for my weapon and easily took down the beast.

The man I saved stared at me in shock, tears threatening to run down his cheeks as his body shook.

"Thank you. You saved me." The man thanked me, bowing low, "How can I survive?"

I felt embarrassed as I looked at his pathetic form, "Find a group."

Before he could say anything else, I turned to leave.

Joonghyuk followed silently behind me, glaring at any person who dared to come near us.

They cowered away from us and scurried along like rats.


It wasn't long before night fell.

We both sat around the fire, our bodies being warmed by it.

Joonghyuk placed another piece of wood on the fire as it crackled loudly.

The beasts we killed earlier were cooking over the fire.

I didn't skin or cut the meat because I wasn't sure how but Joonghyuk seemed to have a lot of knowledge about it.

I've also heard that his cooking skills are amazing.

My stomach growled at the thought of food.

We haven't eaten all day. We just kept walking.

I glanced up at the starry sky.

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