Ch.16 Strongest Person

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~Y/n pov~

Joonghyuk stood over Dokja's unconscious body, glaring at him.

Dokja's eyes squinted as he started to wake up.

"Kim Dokja, are you dead?" Joonghyuk asked.

Dokja shot up and clutched his stomach in pain as he coughed violently as he complained about the pain.

"You're the one who told me to hit you hard enough to kill you." Joonghyuk retorted.

I sighed and decided to interrupt the conversation before they started arguing, "Let's just go. The next scenario will be starting soon."

Dokja groaned and got up, "Yoo Sangah must have been taken by the Salvation Church."

I contemplated what to do about the situation, "Let's at least find the rest of the group."

Walking forward, I heard the other two start to follow.

They can't be too far away, right?

We weren't walking long until we found Gilyoung and Yoonsung arguing.

"What are you going to do, you insect?!"

"Don't bark at me, you mutt!"

Pildu was also nearby ranting about property.

I grabbed Gilyoung and Yoosung and pulled them apart as their arms failed.

They turned to me in annoyance before realising who I was.

"Y/n!" Yoosung was the first to react as she shook off my grip on her clothes and jumped onto me, her arms wrapped around my waist.

Gilyoung was quick to cling to my other side and they started fighting again.

I just ignored them and looked around as more people were broken out of the mind control and gathering around.

"Y/n! Master!" Jihye waved at us, looking relieved to see us.

I smiled at her as she came over and stood beside me.

Just when I was about to talk, a small group came running towards us.

"Supreme ruler! Please accept us!" A man yelled to us as Joonghyuk turned to look at them with a scowl.

Dokja tried to politely tell them to get lost but they just got angry with him.

"Who's this asshole? Do you want to die?"

"Apparently he's the Ugliest King."

Dokja looked dead inside as he continued to smile.

Jihye snickered at the nickname.

I was startled by a loud crashing noise as a huge wolf appeared.

Its gigantic figure towered over us.

"It's a large monster species, grade six." I analysed as I reached for my weapon.

The crashing got louder as more monsters appeared behind it.

"Monsters at grade six or higher shouldn't be moving in a group. What's with these things?!" Dokja exclaimed.

Joonghyuk and I raced towards them with our swords ready.

I leapt up, slicing the beasts, aiming for their neck and chest and leaving them to bleed out when they didn't die quickly.

Everyone else was quick to jump into action as we worked together to kill the hoard of monsters.

They kept coming even after we had killed so many.

"This message is for all incarnations in Seoul Dome. You must've been surprised by the sudden appearance of monsters, correct?"

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