ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙

842 26 24

Little did any of the members know, today was the calm before the storm.

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"Wake up! Rise and shine Honeys!" Nina bursted in, banging a wooden spoon on a frying pan.

My nose was hit by a light scent of the candle "Ocean Breeze", and I finally realized I was still embraced in Ike's arms. I tried wiggling out, but his grasp was too tight.

"Ike, we have to wake up." I whisper, my face quickly heating up.

"A few more minutes.. Its comfy." The male mumbled, hugging me even tighter.

'I'm not complaining, this feels really nice. But we really do have to wake up.' I thought, gently poking his chest, "Come on, you big baby. Time to wake up."

"You know, theres other people in the room. Make out some other time." Shu yawned, looking exhausted. The eyebags under his purple eyes were still very clearly visible.

I playfully rolled my eyes as I was finally able to wiggle out Ike's grasp. He whined, not feeling my warm anymore, "(Y/n).."

"Come on! Get up, and let Shu sleep in." I glance at the sorcerer laying on the bed, "He needs it."

After hearing that, Ike finally climbs out of bed. His green colored eyes were drooped down, and he wobbled like a penguin.

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"We don't wanna use up all the food in the house, so we hope you don't mind eating snacks in the morning." Elira hands me some fruit gummies."

"I don't mind, thank you." I opened the packet, and started chewing.

Mysta was visibly upset that he wasn't gonna get much food, but Vox offered to share with him.

"Guys, I think you might want to come see this." Luca popped his head out the living room, hand gesturing for us to come.

Everyone in the kitchen walked into the living room. Yes it was squished, but what can you do with 30 people in a room? Excluding Shu.

The television was playing the news, and it didn't sound good seeing the looks on some of the member's faces.

I take a seat next to Ike on the floor, as he greeted me with a small smile.

My head turns towards the television, seeing the news lady. Her face had every expression except that of joy and happiness, which instantly made me feel a rush of uneasiness.

"Citizens around the world are getting attacked, but by who? That is the question everybody is asking.

It appears to be people from the future and past, and how are they getting here to the present world? That is what scientists are trying to find out, yet they have no information so far.

It is adviced that everybody stays indoors, as these brainwashed people may be very dangerous. Be very careful about who you trust. Soon- AHH!" The news lady screamed, having a mindless jumping on her back.

The next few seconds felt like a nightmare, her limbs were completely teared apart, and there was blood all over the camera. She was dead.

I felt my body shaking, I don't know if it was fear of shock. The room was dead silent, to the point I could practically hear my own heartbeat.

Just then, as if it was perfectly time, the television just shut off. Actually, it seemed like all the eletronics in the house were shut off. There was no power left.

I stared at the black screen for what felt like hours, nobody dared to move. I think we all knew by now, but we were not safe in this house. Even with numbers, it could go downhill very fast.

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