ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟘

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"Hey, I know you hate me. I hate you twice as much." Sumire walked next to me and leaned in to my ear, "I'm gonna ruin this life of yours."

I could feel anger rising from within me, and my ears turning slightly pink. Still, I kept a stern face, though I could feel a vein pop in my forehead. "I'd like to see you try."

Sumire scoffed, blinking her thick ass eyelashes. Loud thump noises came from the entrance of the kitchen, and Mysta stumbled in. Betrayed filled my eyes once I laid eyes in the detective, knowing that he was talking behind my back yesterday.

"Mornin' you two." Mysta greeted, but upon noticing the atmosphere, he instantly shut up.

"So," I started, gritting my teeth, "when will you be leaving my house, Sumire?"

"Leaving?" She asked in disbelief, "Mysta and the others invited me to stay for awhile! Wasn't that right?"

I shot my head at Mysta's direction, giving him an 'are you fucking serious' look. He looked away from my piercing gaze, and just stared at the floor.

"Maybe you should just— chill out (Y/n). It's not like she has done anything to you." Mysta commented.

My heart burned with hatred. "Fine then. I'm going out."

I turned my heel and stormed out the house. Ike stood by the doorway, watching me as I walked. A small amount of guilt crept up behind him, yet he chose to ignore it.

- - - - -

"Are you kidding?" I sigh when I feel small droplets of rain hitting the top of my head. The only place where I could find shelter at the moment was under a tree, so I immediately run there for cover.

The ground was soggy and gross, but I sat down regardless. It was getting colder and windier by the second, and the rain only poured harder.

I don't know how much time had passed, but I somehow ended up falling asleep.

- - - - -

"Holy fucking hell! We don't know where (Y/n) is, and it's raining like crazy outside!" Mysta panicked, "This is all my fault! She ran off because of me!"

"We'll find her! It wasn't even your fault, Mysta." Vox tried comforting his boyfriend, but he didn't seem to calm down.

The loud thunder roared, and the wind felt like it was shaking the whole house. Ike sat there in the couch, face in his hands.

"What if she's in danger right now? We have to at least look for her." Ike exclaimed. His eyebrows were furrowed, you could see that he was worried.

"It was her fault." Sumire commented, drawing in everyone's attention. "Who told her to run out without looking at the weather forcast, am I right?"

Luca stared at her, with the most dumbfounded expression one could see. "I know you're new and all, so excuse my bluntness. But how the fuck was getting upset, and running off her fault?"

"Because she acted childish, and out of impulse." Sumire scoffed.

The storm continued to rage outside, further adding to the atmosphere. Luca's blank stare was now turned into one of anger, and confusion.

"Sumire is right, y'know?" Vox jumped in, "(Y/n) was completely out of line."

Shu stayed silent throughout all of this, desperately dialing your number on his phone. 'Please pick up.. Please.' He prayed interally, hoping that nothing horrible happened to you.

"Are you kidding me!?" Luca raised his voice, "Ike, surely you'd be worried about your own girlfriend, right?"

"Well yeah, of course I am! But what if she just needs some space?" Ike responded, scratching the back of his head.

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