Chapter 24

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"No," said Jubilee stoutly for the third time.

Standing slouched before her, L heaved a deep sigh. "Miss Amachi," he began tiredly. "I would have thought that you, of all people, would jump at the opportunity to leave this building."

"Not in that capacity!" she cried.

They were standing alone together in a corner of the main room, the rest of the task force milling about and pretending that they didn't know what was going on. L, in an uncharacteristic gesture, had gotten up and cornered her as soon as she had tried to run away upon hearing his plan.

His eyes hardened now as he gazed at her. "I do not understand the problem. You will be perfectly safe. The plan ensures that."

"It's not that," she said stubbornly. "It's—I can't—"

"That phrase again, Miss Amachi," sighed L. "When will you cease to let it define you?"

"Don't pep talk me, Ryuzaki!" Jubilee snapped. "Are you the one squeezing into a tight mini-skirt and schmoozing with a bunch of sleazy businessmen?"

"Miss Amachi—"

"Who, by the way, are murderers!"

"Possible murderers. We are still acquiring evidence."

"You already believe that they're in with Kira," she hissed, trying to keep her voice down but failing. "And you're you! The mighty L! That's as good as truth."

It just figured that the only time she could say something nice about him was when she was yelling at him.

"I'm flattered, Miss Amachi, but—"

"I'm not trying to flatter you!" she shouted, anger and embarrassment colliding within her.

That silenced him for a moment. They stared at each other; her with flushed cheeks and glaring eyes, and him with an aloof and unreadable expression on his face.

"Miss Amachi," he began again, quietly. "If you have confidence in my word as a detective, then have confidence in my word that you will be safe. They will not suspect you. I guarantee it."

The sincerity in his voice pained her. "I told you," she said, feeling miserable, "That that's not what I'm worried about." Wearily she glanced around her for Hellenos. Though she couldn't see him, she knew he was there. What was it he had mentioned in passing once? Kira cannot touch you. She didn't know exactly what that meant or why, but she knew that Hellenos wouldn't lie. And that he was always with her wherever she went. Sighing, she admitted begrudgingly, "I know that I will be safe no matter what."

"Then what is the problem exactly?"

Jubilee stared back at L in a moment of frustrated and despondent silence. How could she possibly explain to him that to do this was to step into her past that she wanted so desperately to forget? How could she make him understand that the very memory of what she used to do was enough to make her feel sick to her stomach...much less actually having to go out there and reenact it? For that was what he was asking her to do—doll up, distract the target, and deceive them.

The fact that these people were villains and her former targets were innocent civilians was not enough to shake the guilt of having to put on a charade and live a lie. She knew that her fear of that guilt—and the crippling sense of anxiety that it put her in— may have been irrational, but she couldn't help it.

"Why do you need me to be a part of it?" she asked, ignoring his question. "Misa has other models from her promo team to work with."

"One of them is ill, and two are out of town working other jobs, leaving only six including Misa. There are at least eight, possibly ten, men from Yotsuba who will be at her apartment to attend this faux 'reception' she is hosting for them. Without all of them being completely and effectively distracted, we run the risk of them being on to Matsuda before we can get him out of there. The more help we can get, the better. It is unfortunate," he finished, spreading his hands, "But we are short-staffed."

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