Chapter 28

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When the three of them entered Misa's room, there was no preamble.

"Misa Amane," said L without greeting as he strode up to where the pop star was sitting, tugging Light unceremoniously behind him. Anchoring a foot on the arm of the couch, he leaned down to peer into her face. "Do you love Light?"

"What?" Misa looked equally as confused as Light and Jubilee did from where they were standing behind L. "Well, yeah, of course I do!"

"But you also worship Kira, as you revealed during your interrogation," said L without pause. "So, between the two of them, who would you choose?"

"Huh?" Misa's eyebrows shot up, then furrowed downwards again as she leaped up from the couch and ran to Light, entwining him possessively in her arms. "Light, obviously! I'm grateful to Kira for avenging my parents' deaths after they were murdered, but that's not love. I choose Light, all the way!"

"But Light is trying to catch Kira," L pointed out. "Isn't that right, Light?"

"Of course," said Light, looking slightly annoyed.

"He's trying to catch him," L said again to Misa, as though it had not just been said. "Now what will you do?"

"Light's my boyfriend," Misa declared with a defiant pout. "If he wants to catch Kira...then I want him to catch Kira."

"Then," returned L without missing a beat, "Would you be willing to help him by joining the investigation?"

In the brief silence that ensued, Jubilee thought she could've heard a pin drop. Then, both her and Light were protesting at the same time.

"Wait, you can't—" she began, just as Light interjected with, "Ryuzaki, what are you thinking?"

But Jubilee could see that they were both already too late. The pink aura around Misa was bubbling up around her small form like cotton candy, and had taken on a noble blue hue at the fringes. The sound of chimes around her intensified into what sounded to Jubilee like a joyful war cry, if such a thing were possible.

I think she's going to say yes, quipped Hellenos unnecessarily.

"Yeah!" the blonde girl announced happily. "Misa-Misa will do anything for Light!"

"To answer your question, Light, here's the plan," began L, as Jubilee looked on helplessly. "One of the 'sources' that the Yotsuba group thinks they have is a detective by the name of Eraldo Coil, who is in fact one of my alter egos...but they don't know that."

"You have an alter ego?" said Jubilee, amazed. Was there no end to the string of things that he had in common with a shady superhero?

"We'll have Aiber pose as Coil," L went on, ignoring her. "And he will tell those seven at Yotsuba that he learned Misa Amane may be able to help them identify L...and that L detained her for questioning in the past, on charges of being the second Kira."

"Which is true," Misa pointed out sulkily.

"Then," continued L, paying Misa no heed either, "Because of Matsuda's screw up earlier while pretending to be Misa's manager, they will agree to hire her as a promotional model to appear in their commercials, with the intention to get close to her and ask her questions."

"Ohhh," cried Misa. "I see! So Misa will be going undercover to spy on them!"

"It's too dangerous," Light managed to get a word in at last, echoing Jubilee's concerns.

"Aww!" Misa turned on him delightedly. "Are you worried for me?"

"Of course he is," cut in Jubilee. "And so am I. Ryuzaki, we can't just send her in like that. If they think that Misa can reveal L's identity to them, then we don't know what means they might use to try and get it out of her."

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