Chapter 35

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Light leaned back in his chair at headquarters, hiding a satisfied smirk behind one hand. Things were going so well that he could hardly believe his good fortune. To his right sat L in his usual freakish crouch, staring unblinkingly at his computer screen like some creature from the undead. Which he might as well be, considering that he would die soon.

To Light's left, Julie sat slumped in her chair, brooding. Light's smirk widened. No doubt she was still sulking about her failed attempt to accuse him of being Kira yesterday.

A ding-ing sounded overhead, signifying someone at the main entrance. Everyone looked to the big surveillance monitor. Misa was standing outside of the downstairs entrance, waving cheerily up at the camera and mouthing words that couldn't be heard. It looked like something along the lines of, I'm here to see my boooooyfriend!

Light stood and turned to Soichiro. "Dad, is it okay if I...?"

"Sure, son." The older man gave Light a warm smile. "Take a break."

Light returned his father's smile. "Thanks, Dad."

With that, he turned and made his way to the stairwell. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Julie swivel to watch him go.

Watch me all you want, he thought. And see all you can see, because it won't matter. You'll be dead soon. Julie Amachi may have had supernatural sight, but he was the one who had the Death Note, the smarts and the charisma. No matter what Julie could see, it wouldn't do her any good if she couldn't get anyone to believe her.

Satisfied with that thought, he plastered a charming smile onto his face as he stepped through the main doors of HQ and out into the sunlight. Misa immediately bounded into his arms.

"Light!" she squealed. "Oh, it's so good to see you! I've missed you so much." She snuggled her face into his chest.

Light kissed the top of her head. "Have you done what I asked?"

"Yes!" Misa cried, then discreetly touched a scrap of paper hidden in her hand to his arm.

Instantly a large, black-haired demon materialized before Light's eyes behind Misa.

Light smiled. "Good to see you again, Ryuk."

Ryuk's only reply was a long, gleeful cackle.

"Light," said Misa, tugging at his sleeve. "There's something I have to tell you." She looked to the ground and shuffled her feet. "I—I forgot what Hideki Ryuga's real name was..." At this her expression crumpled and she wailed, "I'm sorry! It's just that I saw so many names every day and I...I'm so sorry!"

Light put on a carefully practiced expression of disappointment. "I see," he said simply. "Well." He sighed lightly and turned away. "I suppose it can't be helped."

"But it'll be alright!" interjected Misa, skipping around to face him once more. "I can still do what you asked...because I got the eyes again!"

He took her by the shoulders, concern and alarm decorating his features. "You idiot!" he cried. Inwardly he applauded himself. He should've been an actor. "You know that means halving your lifespan again!"

"I know," said Misa softly, looking down at the ground once more. "But, it's worth it if it's for you, Light." She looked back up again, meekly. "And besides that, I—I wrote down Julie's name, too."

Light pretended surprise again. "You did? She's still alive."

Misa's eyes widened. "What? I know I spelled it right and everything!"

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