Chapter 70

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Jubilee stared at Hellenos from where she lay in the hospital bed, so disconcerted by her abrupt return to consciousness that, like one suddenly woken from a deep sleep, she could remember nothing beyond the last thing she'd experienced while awake. Which was extreme pain.

"I cannot believe you," she exclaimed, torn between relief at seeing the angel and anger. He didn't even look guilty. "What kind of guardian angel are you, anyway?" Trying to sit up, she clutched her side and moaned. "That really hurt, too." With great effort, she bit back any further accusations. Surely, Hellenos had a good reason for letting this happen and would deign to share it now. Along with an apology.

Yes, bullets typically do, he said dryly. That was it.

Her last remnants of restraint dissipating, she shot him a dirty look. "What is this, payback? Are you tired of having to work overtime because of me or something?" Aggravated that the angel didn't seem more concerned, she flopped back against the sheets and did her best to look pale and pathetic. "I've been mortally wounded, Hellenos. I could suffer complications for the rest of my life. You could at least act a little more sympathetic. Or are you just mad that it'll cause even more work for you now?"

Hellenos looked subtly skyward. For heaven's sake, stop complaining and check this so-called mortal wound of yours.

Jubilee blinked, confused. Lifting the sheets, she pushed up her hospital gown. Heavy layers of blood-crusted gauze bandaged her abdomen. She threw the sheets back over herself, aghast. "It looks terrible! How am I even still alive?"

Hellenos didn't bother to hide his eye roll this time. Unwrap it and see for yourself.

Dubiously, Jubilee obeyed. Her nose wrinkled at the smell of old, dried blood as she peeled away layers of reddened cloth, wincing in anticipation of pain. But as she stripped away the final piece, her eyes widened. The exposed skin of her belly was smooth and unmarred, without so much as as a stain from all the blood. Dumbfounded, she poked her side, right where the bullet had entered. No pain.

"Oh," she said.

Hellenos looked smug.

After staring at the newly formed skin for a minute, she lowered her hospital gown. "Okay, fine, very impressive," she admitted. "But what was the point of letting me get shot if I was just going to be healed anyway? I know you could've stopped the bullet."

Not I, technically.

Suddenly, she remembered—hazy visions of what had transpired at the warehouse after she was shot, of her ascent beyond the earthly veil, and then being sent back...again. Overwhelmed, she put a hand to her head as it all registered. L and the rest of the Task Force were alright. Light had been caught, his tie to the demon severed. And she was alive—even though it'd been a close call.

But why let things get that far in the first place?

Her eyes lowered. It was so much easier to vent her frustrations on Hellenos, who she could easily see and hear, than on who she knew her resentments truly lay against. "I know Dad could've had you stop the bullet," she amended quietly. "So...why didn't He?"

The angel considered her thoughtfully for a long moment. Then he smiled. Much as you doubt it—everything that has ever happened to you, can be worked out for good. With that, he stepped reveal the sleeping form of L, crouched in a chair by the corner.

The man looked as pale as ever, head drooped over his knees and hair in more want of a comb than usual. His eyes were closed, the dark circles around them even more pronounced than before. Around him pulsated a heavy, troubled blue hue as he slept.

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