Chapter 47

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The sweet smell of baking wafted through Jubilee's room.

Jubilee herself lay sprawled on her side on the couch, her laptop open on the glass coffee table beside her and a headset over her ears. She was staring listlessly at the screen, which was divided between two browsers. One was a video stream of Kira's Kingdom, a talk show hosted by a wildly gesticulating Kira supporter. The other displayed the recipe for a strawberry chocolate cake.

Fifteen minutes left on the cake, said Hellenos helpfully from where he stood behind the couch.

Jubilee didn't answer. She continued to watch the man on her laptop screen, who was going on and on about the "divine justice" of Kira. She had long gotten tired of rolling her eyes at all he had to say. It had been the same thing over and over again for the last hour, since the moment she'd happened upon the channel after a quick internet search for outspoken Kira supporters. Apparently this guy, Hitoshi Demegawa, was the most outspoken and prominent of the bunch, being a host over at Sakura TV station. Other Kira supporters flocked to his show, discussing it on the internet and sometimes even showing up on the show themselves as guest interviewees.

Currently Demegawa was interviewing a young and shy-looking college student. She had lost a relative in a mugging incident, and thought that Kira was doing far more for justice than the police were. Jubilee noted various shades of fear and nerves hovering over the girl, along with occasional reddish and blueish spikes of hurt and anger. Nothing out of the ordinary, really.

Demegawa had a smoggy haze about his person that was not unlike the kind Jubilee had seen while monitoring Yotsuba employees, but it still wasn't nearly as dark or dense as Light's and Misa's...which meant that he hadn't taken any lives. Even so, he sure was annoying to listen to.

Jubilee groaned and turned onto her back, staring up at the ceiling.

"This is useless," she muttered to herself.

Why do you say that? You've already eliminated two individuals from suspicion, Hellenos pointed out, then added cheerily, And it's only two in the afternoon.

"Out of a hundred million!" she exploded. "Or whatever the population of Japan is."

That would be approximately one hundred twenty-eight million, the angel corrected.

"Oh, that's better," she snapped. "And who knows what Light's planning? For all I know, the next Kira puppet could be anywhere in the world." She put a hand over her eyes. "This is hopeless, Hellenos. Killings began, what, almost six hours ago?" She thought back to when several successive dings from the laptop had awoken her in the morning, along with three succinct messages. One was from L: Killings have begun. Be alert. Two were from Wedy and Aiber, and said the same thing: Standing by and awaiting instruction. She hadn't yet responded to either of the last two.

"At this rate, I'll be dead before I find who we're looking for," she muttered. "And not from the thirteen-day rule, from old age." Removing her hand from her eyes she looked up pleadingly at Hellenos. "I don't know what I'm doing here. A little help, please?"

I already helped with the cake.

Jubilee groaned again and sat up. "What am I supposed to do then, internet stalk every Kira supporter there is and stare at their pictures? And that's assuming the person we're looking for can even be found on the internet! What can I possibly accomplish if I'm cooped up in here?"

He gave her a look. You think you'd do something different if you were somewhere else?

She slumped over at that. "No."

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