Chapter 72

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Jubilee stared at the knob, her hand still hovering over it. "Yeah, one sec," she said, willing her voice to sound calmer than she felt. Taking a deep breath, she smoothed her hair and quickly assessed what she was going to say. I still want to be friends. Do you? That seemed too simple. The forthrightness of it made her heart pound. I think it's worth continuing our friendship and would be up for keeping in touch, if you are. Was that better?

Dragging a hand down her face, she dismissed the thoughts from her head and opened the door. She'd just have to wing it.

"Hey," she greeted casually, stepping back to allow L inside. "I just started packing. Come on in."

L gave a small nod and followed her back to her suitcase, where he stood a few feet away, hands stuffed in his pockets and shuffling his feet. She busied herself with packing to distract herself from his unnerving gaze. What had he come for? Were there still loose ends concerning the case? Or...could it be that he, too, wanted to remain friends?

Hopeful, she glanced over at him. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?"

L returned her inquisitive look with an unblinking stare. "Yes."

She waited. He continued to stare at her. "Well..." she began awkwardly, then decided to take a gamble. "I actually had something I wanted to talk with you about, too. Do you want to go first, or should I?"

He started at that, then a look of resolve entered his eyes. "I will go first." Turning, he walked slowly towards one end of the room, hands still in his pockets. "We make a good team."

"I agree," she said after a moment when he didn't continue. Not exactly sure where this is going, but it sounds promising so far. Friends were a team, right?

"And we balance each other well." He turned again to slowly pace in the other direction. "We each see things that the other person doesn't—literally and figuratively." He faced her. "You also have other qualities that are worthy of attention, such as your ability to draw deep insight from things, encourage those around you, and generally...appeal to people. All of which was demonstrated often during the case, and which contributed greatly to its ultimate success. I find all of these things, and more, admirable and valuable."

Jubilee struggled to conceal her confusion as her mind worked to understand what he was saying, and why. She thought back to moments on the case when she'd given a pep talk to him, or to other Task Force members like Mello and Matsuda. She remembered when she'd helped distract the members of the Yotsuba Group along with Misa, as well as how she'd befriended the younger girl. Was that what L was talking about? Is he giving me some kind of a post-job assessment? she thought, perplexed. "Thank you," she said at last, but it came out sounding more like a question than a statement.

L had already returned to pacing, eyes on the ceiling as though there was something worthy of observation up there. "Therefore," he said. "I wonder if you would consider the option of returning to England with me—as my partner."

She stared at him. "Your...partner?" she echoed.

L nodded, the air around him blushing slightly even though his face remained as pale as ever.

Jubilee blinked once, twice. Then she smiled widely. "You mean you're not going to be L, the lone detective anymore? You're going to let me be your partner? To solve cases together? Really?" She could barely refrain from jumping up and down with joy. This was even better than she'd hoped for. L not only wanted to continue their acquaintance, he wanted to work together. In person. Which meant that she'd get to be with him wherever he was.

"Er..." L's uncharacteristic stutter stopped her thoughts short. "That—wasn't precisely what I meant. I'm not proposing a business relationship."

Her heart plummeted.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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